What an amazing talent. You decide. I wish she would return.

Out of the Valley of the West,
upon their snow-white steeds,
and into ancient legends passed
bright men with shining deeds.
Their heralds, made of cloth-of-gold
trailed bright banners in the seaward breeze
that spoke of hoary years of old
and a history of times unseen.
Bright Kings of aeons past were they,
who ruled beyond the Western Sea and slew great daemons,
and lived with fey in years of unknown centuries.
Their look was wise, their carriage proud,
their armour held a starry sheen,
their aged trumpets echoed loud as they rode in from the Sea.
Through hanging forests, deep and cold upon a winding,
unknown trailthey rode- noble, proud and bold.
Dark were the shadows upon their mail;
bright were their eyes and deep their brows,
their hair was gold, their faces pale-
they passed through grove and under boughout of the West,
where dreamships sail.

Call of the Northern Stars
Beyond the furthest reaches of the pale,
distant beach,
farther than the Northlands,
there runs a golden creek.
And all about its banks grow
bushes bright and merry;
their riotous branches covered
with leaves of gold and crimson berries.
Robins, doves, and meadowlarks
in cheerful chorus sing,
the melody rises to the Sun-a far-off,
guilded ring.
Shadows fall at twilight and silver
coats the land-
the shining waters gently dim as
dusk settles in the sands.
And in the warm darkness,
while rose and sandalwood cloy,
in the shimmering starlight comes
the call of Joy.
Pulling you, calling you away
from the golden creek,
inviting you to come away
and find the dreams you seek.
Stirring breezes in the night
bring sudden, swift desire,
and night time's sensuous
beauty fills the heart with fire:
A passion for the wilds,
to walk forgotten ways-
to wield the ruins of a sword forged
in long-lost, ancient days.
To walk under the moon and dance
with immortality,
and from the lonely mountains top
hear an elfin melody

Untitled Imagination
Blow out the candle,
snuff and stifle starlight.
Quench the moon
and let your dream take flight.
Come, follow me let me lead you
on into the fantastical realm
where illusion reigns.
Follow the winding stair down,
beyond emotion,
turn your back on reality,
give night song your devotion.
Incense burns in the night pyre of melancholy,
ashes clean burdens off as you enter the Stygian plane.
Float upon the melody that fills this waking dream,
cross the hairline border between concrete and unseen.
Tread upon the field of immortal souls-
drink deeply the waters of eternity.
Embrace your journey out of mortal-bound seclusion.
But dwell in light a little more, and shine for the illusion.
