With the baby, We could not even think about driving straight through. Over all, he did very well. Whenever we stopped, we would take him out, change his diaper and let him stretch for a few. On our stops when we would make lunch or dinner, we would put down a blanket so that he could play without being confined to his car seat. The hardest part was dealing with the older two boys. They kept nitpicking each other. At times I wished that we had brought along the duct tape ... lol.
We had left on Monday and we got there around 6 pm on Tuesday. A vacation it was but not totally. We had a lot to do to get ready for the wedding on Saturday. Getting food, decorating the hall, rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and of course the wedding itself.
The weather we had there could not have been any better. The day of the wedding was just perfect(especially because it was an outdoor wedding). The sun was shining and the temp was pretty warm. It was a bit windy but not too bad. The jewelery that all of us wore was hand made by me. I wanted something special for Butterfly.
But of course we visited too. They wanted to see Sebastian and we wanted to see the twins. They are about 3 months different in age (Sebastian is older). Well. I will let the pics show the rest of the story ...lol.

Sebastian and me in front of the Mississippi River

Sebastian and Gary in front of the Mississippi River

The barge pic 1 (the whole thing is seen only by 3 separate pics)

Barge pic 2

Barge pic 3

Gary and Sebastian going down the slide

Collin, Cayden, and Sebastian

My babies sleeping

The wedding party

My butterfly and me
Well, I guess that is enough for now. I have tons more but I do not want to take up too much room here. Take care all and have a wonderful day.