Gwen, don't feel bad. I had the flue and a stomach bug at the same time and gained a pound! figure that out.
I hope you can get this worked is a cool post.
Thanks for the warning. You look out for the clown with the face that opens and closes. He may be your guys supplier. Be careful.
how beautiful.
Did he pick all three? All looks and no brains?
wow, those are very nice
Stuff like that freaks me out....How about maggots, do a piece on them, they sew them up in people to eat infection. Grrrroooooossssss
Looserobes posted this, - the video. I am handing out a copy of his post at walm-art tomorrow.
Steve, I printed out 18,I thought my ink would go further...but I added a note to pass the letter on.
seriously though, what is wrong with the guitar? I sold mine to pay a vet bill.
I love a good yard sale....but I am sure you would regret parting with any of these priceless treasures. Besides you never know when someone will come up behind you and say."Give me a cactus with broken flower petals or it's your life!" You want to be prepared don't you?
vanilla crest? I have not heard of vanilla tooth paste....really?
I have only been here a week and the improvements are great.
let kids be kids for goodness sakes.
Steve, you are correct, not shopping there as a sign of protest is the moral thing for me to do. On my budget, they are the best choice for shopping, but my mentality(being the same as many others I suspect)is lacking moral fiber. However, I am going to do one better. Tomorrow, I am going to print out 50 copies of your post(if my ink holds out) and I am going to hand them out in front of Wal-Mart. I will let you know how people respond.