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Entertainment > Pitter Patter of Little Feet

Pitter Patter of Little Feet

Yes, soon there will be a new addition to the family! Drooling, crying, and the closing of all but the most necessary of doors.... And, oh, yes, the new addition to our family! Well, the bundle of joy has not quite arrived but tomorrow I believe will be the day. There were a couple of false starts earlier this year, but now the time has come. Perhaps you've already guessed.... arf arf. I've been searching for a border collie or collie cross this year and I have found 2: 1 at the SPCA (imagine he's neither a pit bull nor a rotweiler) and a litter of pups out of town to inspect tomorrow. I know I'm ready to start on a new doggie adventure when I finally wash out the old quilt that our last bordercollie, Candy used to sleep on. My son GIJoe is away on the other side of the country for the summer and it's the perfect time to bond with a mutt before Joe gets back and steals the limelight. I'm going to spend the rest of the evening breathing deeply the fresh clean scent of my house before it becomes eau de Dogue once again. And I wont be checking all the rooms everytime I get home to be sure nobody's in here. (I also lean items against the closet doors to show there's nobody in there). Call me paranoid or call me cautious, but my home was once pried into in the middle of the night and my faithful hound at the time set that nocturnal fiend scrambling. I've never forgotten that. There were home invasions and sexual assaults right in my neighborhood and it was just a month earlier that I had got the dog from the SPCA for this very reason. So a (relatively) smelly house is a small price to pay for peace of mind, nevermind loving companionship.
Tale de Dogue to be continued....

posted on July 27, 2009 7:08 PM ()

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