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Health & Fitness > John Donne Was Wrong

John Donne Was Wrong

Perhaps I shouldnt write anything at this time as Im sureI'll regret it. I just got back from the physiotherapist who told me he wanted me to take off my splint for physio. I still have completely unstable fractures of my upper arm. I told him I wouldnt feel comfortable doing that and he said that if he cant work on it that way, then there was nothing he could do for me and he left the room abruptly. Now, I'm no physio, but I am a nurse and he is so wrong. I'm almost wishing I was american, having suffered with this lassez-faire attitude of the medical "professionals". The most communicative person I've dealt with has been the occupational therapist who tightens my splint. All I'm asking for is some communication - I dont even ask for a degree of caring, just tell me shat's going on, and give me some exercises for my frozen shoulder and my now wasting muscles in my back and shoulder. Nobody knows what anyone else is doing. And that physio today, Michael Warykow, if anyone is in my area, avoid him.
So thank God for the computer because it is the most helpful tool I have in regards to maintaining my health. Earlier this year I realized that my horrible mental state was due to a medication that I'd been taking for 7 years. The doctors resisted concerns, insisting I remain on it. Through the information I got via internet, I learned I was suffering from extreme side effects and, using the internet as a guide, I tapered myself off the med and I fell like a different person. I feel like a living human being again, not just exhisting for no particular reason. And here I have to, again, treat myself using websites as guides because our medical system is so rotten. I have to guide and coordinate my own care. At least I dont have to pay for it.

posted on Sept 1, 2009 12:38 PM ()

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