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Curiouser And Curiouser

Life & Events > Boring > Frustrating


All day yesterday I was having a bad day for no particular reason. It showed up in my poor work, and I was really just down all day.

Then last night I went to one of those marketing survey sessions. It was on shampoo, so I sniffed several different shampoos and talked about how important moisturizing shampoo is for my hair. Sitting across the table was a voluptuos brunette woman. I couldn't help thinking that she was Mike's type. Then my mind wandered into visualizations of him and this woman. Why, I don't know. It really upset me. I hate to admit it, but I still really miss him. I think about him a lot. I know that he wasn't right for me, and that he didn't undertand or accept the real me. However, I still miss him like crazy. What the hell is wrong with me???? I'm still texting and calling the lovely NP, but then why do I miss Mike so much. I have really been fighting the urge to call or text him to see what is going on with his job and living situation. It has been very hard. I just want to reach out to him. Actually, I want him to reach out to me, but I know that will never happen. Once he makes up his mind, I'm pretty sure that he is done. It drives me crazy to think that he could be dating someone else right now. This is really frustrating for me.

On other notes, the recovering alcoholic roommate has been great lately. She cooks and loves it when I eat her food. I've decided to give her a three month lease to see how things go. I have two more people coming over this weekend to look at the third room.

Property taxes are due in November. There's no way in hell that I can afford to pay them. They'll have to go on the home equity line of credit. And the debt circle continues.

I spent all last weekend power washing my deck. I'm desperately trying to get it sealed before the winter. This weekend I have to kill all the mold with bleach water. I recently found out that this is a very important step before sealing the deck. I just hope that we have at least two more nice weekends, so I can get it done!!!

posted on Oct 8, 2008 9:54 AM ()


There is N O T H I N G wrong with you! Ask yourself, "Do I miss Mike, or do I miss the companionship he provided." Chances are it's a little of both, which is normal. But if you stop and look at things you will see it's the companionship you miss more. That means he really wasn't the one for you. But that he was the right person at the right time and the lessons you both needed to learn are done. Take the time you have to rediscover who you are with this new knowledge and make space for the next person the Universe is preparing to send your way.
comment by hawkwoman on Oct 8, 2008 1:42 PM ()
My deck done that all set for the r ough winter ahead.
comment by fredo on Oct 8, 2008 12:53 PM ()
It is understandable for you to miss Mike and want him to call you so you won't call him first. It takes time. And when the relationship really meant something, it hurts even more when it's over. That means you have a big heart and a great capacity to love. Heal, Kissy, Heal and don't let this taint your wonderful heart!
comment by sexysadie on Oct 8, 2008 11:39 AM ()
busy busy! I hope you have 2 nice weekends as well..
As far as the ex... it's sooooo normal... but it is also soooo frustrating... I totally understand where you are coming from... just learn to forgive yourself and let your brain go there sometimes. Also, always remind yourself of the reason you broke up... that might help get your brain back on track when it wanders into "What if" land...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 8, 2008 9:57 AM ()

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