Thanks f_ _ _ing GAWD that she is gone from the show!!! Personally, I can’t really say she was the dumbest girl in the house...or was she? Wait! Big John’s right!
My opinion is this, she may have now been the stupist girl in the house, but she was also the devious little b _ tch. She didn’t care about anyone but herself, and if she wasn’t picked for something, she acted as if she was completely suprised. She has probably gotten through in life on her looks alone.
She didn’t care about anyone in the house and when it didn’t go in her favor, she was willing to back stab the ones she was closest to in the house! Ugh enough about that dumb b_tch!
Let’s get to one of the coolest girls that was in the house that got eliminated. Peyton Turner. That girl rocks hard core! You should check her out at
The song on her profile called "We Rocked For Love" should seriously be a theme song somewhere if he has a Rock Of Love 3!
She doesn’t need many words to describe her because she just plain out rocks!
posted on Mar 24, 2008 12:37 PM ()
I don't watch it either, but you have done well in describing the situation.