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Life & Events > Not a Good Morning, But Last Night Was Cool

Not a Good Morning, But Last Night Was Cool

I had an awesome time with my sister yesterday on her birthday and took some pictures. However, I took home the wrong cord to my camera to upload my pictures with. It looked like the right one, but was just a bit bigger at one end of it than the part to my camera ao I can't show those pictures until I can get that cord from my sister's place.
On another note, I was having some really bad dreams about my dad last night and this morning.. Some of them I actually woke up crying to which was just crazy.
You see, earlier in the day yesterday, I had the social worker from my dad's rehibilitation center call and say that the people that give him the therapy there, don't think that he is able to live on his own, and the social worker has suggested some type of assistance/independant living for him.
The thing is, my dad is legal blind and he was concerned about living with other people and people stealing from him. I agreed about that and him raising that concern with the social worker and I even told her that I don't think that he needs that. Since he is legally blind, he is used to everything in house being in the same spot that he put it so it is not difficult for him to find.
My dad suggested a home for the blind to her and I agreed with that because he used to live there when he came to Wisconsin and that is where he had met my mom before I was born. So she was going to look up the phone number to that place and see if this place will be suitable for him. I hope so. She also agreed with me saying that he is not incapable enough to be in a nursing home/old folks home, so I was relieved about that.
I tried to call him room this morning, but he hasn't answered yet so maybe he is at breakfast or something. I just want to talk to him and find out what he thinks.
I guess that is where all the nightmares are coming from......

posted on May 24, 2008 7:06 AM ()


Hoping everything works out as it should with your Dad.
comment by shesaidwhat on May 28, 2008 3:00 PM ()
I hope the situation with your dad gets resolved quickly and that he is happy with the decision. It has to be so hard, to be blind and not know where anything is. I can totally understand that he wants to go home because he knows his way around there. On another note, I can't wait to see your pictures.
comment by hopefields on May 24, 2008 8:30 PM ()

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