Slip- Sliding Away: Freedom
Thousand Year War Between the Jews and Muslims
If We Can’t Torture Terrorists- Use Drugs
Santa Goes Green
Piss-mad and Angry Gay
Guilt by Association- Obama
Obama Needs Protection (From Himself)
Thanks Democrats- (Blago)
Obama- Daddy Dangerous
Obama- Send Lawyers Guns and Money
Team Obama- What Went Wrong
Alaska- Too Small to Govern
She is Not Hillary Clinton
I Been Biden My Time
Designer Vaginas
Democrats- Using Goo Guns..??
We Could Have ...
Obama- Talk This Way
Obama- George Bush's Third Term
4th of July- Freedom
The Monkey and the Mud Puddle
The Human Refuge
Habeas Corpus and a Rat's A$$
We Cannot Drill Our Way Out
Animals Want Us to Drill for Oil
Tim Russert
Angry White Females
Florida, Michigan- is Worth Half a Vote
Obama's Head is Too Big for Rushmore
Saving the Gassy Ball
Global Warming Must Be True, (Unless it Isn't)
Purging the Republican Party
Hagee Equals Wright- Hillary Wins
Charlie Wilson's War Teaches Modern Lessons
Obama Takes Guam (By 7 Votes)
Fear of Fox- Back of the Bus, Young Man
The Obama Pig Blows Up
Wright Takes the Stage, (And the Presidency)
Prediction- the Next Terrorist Attack?
The Wright to Destroy a Candidate
Pennsylvania Gets Invaded
Cause and Effect
They Love Us, They Hate Us
The Democratic Debate
Science Gets Expelled
Obama Loves Pennsylvania
When Liberals Attack
Beep Bonics- Understanding Liberals
Britain is Revoking Our Independence
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