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The Angry Republic

Politics & Legal > Beep Bonics- Understanding Liberals

Beep Bonics- Understanding Liberals

You have visited on a very special day. This is our:
"Get your paws off me, you dam dirty ape"

Special edition of The Angry Republican

Have you noticed the "left" is starting to use a different language..??
Most Americans speak clearly, and we can understand what it is they are saying. But liberals have started a language that is NOT easy to decipher.
It reminds me of "Ebonics." Except the left is using a BEEP noise.

Jane Fonda
will be on a TV show and things are going OK. Then, all of a sudden, I will hear a "BEEP" sound. Fonda said something that got BEEPED off the air.

I must then try and figure out what word she used.
"Did Jane Fonda use the C-Word..??"

After I have eliminated all the words that could not fit into the sentence that Ms. Fonda was using, I can narrow it down to one or two words.
"Ms. Fonda DID use the C-Word." (Women HATE the C-Word..!!)
So now, after I have narrowed it down to a couple of words that Ms. Fonda could have used in that sentence, I then have to try and figure out WHY she said what she said, when she said it..??

It is a terribly distracting chore and by the time I have deciphered what Jane Fonda really said, I have lost track of any point Ms. Fonda was trying to make.
It is like Ebonics.
But it is with a "BEEP."
It is- BEEP Bonics.

It happened again with Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes.
Ms. Rhodes said that Hillary Clinton was a "BEEP" whore.

OK.. First I have to try and figure out what word got beeped. Did Randi use the word- "Bitch?"As in- Hillary is a "Bitch" whore.

Double negative. That doesn’t make sense.
"Did Randi Rhodes use the C-Word..??"

No, that doesn’t make sense either. (Though I have heard an angry female call another female a BEEP Whore.)So when you have figured out what Randi Rhodes actually said, you then must try and figure WHY she said it.
(Being drunk and stupid comes to mind here…)

Because Randi Rhodes used "BEEP Bonics", whatever point she was trying to make was lost in the process.
(Other than the fact that Randi was drunk, stupid, and she hates Hillary Clinton.)

Any lasting thoughts on why Obama should be elected president were lost because Ms. Rhodes used- "BEEP Bonics."

Is this what we can expect if a liberal is elected president..??

4 years of angry liberals using "BEEP Bonics" and we have to figure out what they said and why they said it?

Think about the children..??
What about the children..??

That is why we have put out this video.

The 11th Angry Republican
Video Broadcast
"BEEP Bonics"

Understanding what the **** liberals are saying.

All material, including the video, written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

On a sad note…
Charlton Heston died last night, he was 84.

Charlton Heston won the 1959 best actor Oscar for playing "Ben-Hur." He also portrayed Moses and Michelangelo in other movies.
I saw most of those movies later on, because we didn’t have video movie rentals in those days and I was too young to go to the movies when they were first released.
Charlton Heston grabbed my generation by playing a very risky role in a movie about talking monkeys.
Can you imagine the "pitch" for the movie- "The Planet of the Apes"???"Yea, Mister Heston. We have this space movie. You will be flying on a spaceship. Then we have a bunch of talking monkeys. It will be great..!!"

It did end up being great..!! I believe "Planet of the Apes" ended up having 4 or 5 sequels.
Charlton Heston became one of the highest paid actors of his day. Filming movies such as "Earthquake" and "Airport 1975."
Charlton Heston became more conservative, when most in Hollywood were turning to liberalism. Mr. Heston admits to voting for JFK and Johnson, but during the 70"s and 80’s, he became a conservative. I can relate to that because it was during the 80’s and President Reagan, that I became a conservative as well.
I have never known a major celebrity who defended the 2nd Amendment greater than Charlton Heston.

Heston defended the 2nd Amendment to such a degree, that liberals attacked Charlton Heston in a terrible- childish fashion. (I am not even going to venture over to The Daily Kos or The Huffer Post today. I do not want to read what those idiots will say about the passing of Mr. Heston.)One of my last memories of Charlton Heston was in the Michael Moore movie- Bowling for Columbine. Moore asked if he could interview Charlton Heston and Mr. Heston gracefully allowed it. (Heston had no idea who Moore was. He thought it was an interview about films.)
Moore began to question Heston about the NRA and gun control. Heston politely said he didn’t want to talk about it. He then told Moore the interview was over.
At that point, we all found out Charlton Heston was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Any, rational, caring person would have cut that section from their movie after learning about Heston’s Alzheimer’s.
But not Michael Moore…

The typical angry liberal Moore kept that scene in the movie. (Why? It served no purpose? Other than to degrade a fine American.)
I thought about ending this story with a great picture of Charlton Heston when he was young. Maybe playing Ben Hur.
But I think it would be better to end this editorial with the one thing Charlton Heston defended with all his might.

Defended it to the point where it ended his Hollywood Career.
The American- 2nd Amendment to the Constitution
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

posted on Apr 6, 2008 9:52 AM ()


Might I remind you, the last time democrats used health care as a means to get elected, democrats held the White House and a majority in both the Senate and House. (1993) Democrats couldn't get their liberal friends in congress to vote for it.

They didn't use Health Care...or don't you remember. the old saying from 92 "It's the Economy stupid" and GWB was history. And what the hell was those thousand points of light GWB was talking about..can you explain, he never did.

I know it is fashionable to blame republicans for everything that the democrats cannot get done.

Jeez, this is so foolish, it's like someone who doesn't understand Congress, see my answer's clear as night and day...let's see with a simple majority...nothing gets done?

But at some point in your life, you must ask yourself this:

What the hell is AR smoking?

"If democrats cannot get the government business done when they own the White House and Congress, when will they ever get ANYTHING done..??"

Well if you haven't noticed AR, with a simple majority nothing gets done? We have a hard core group of neoconservative Republicans that just play obstructionists...let me repeat: with a simple majority nothing gets more time maybe it'll sink in...with a simple majority nothing gets done. Meanwhile for the last 7 years nothing got done?

Maybe it is time to quit blaming republicans, and blame the democrats for being ineffective in congress.

There's no blame for Republicans, there's just plain facts like 6 billion reasons. The responsibility in Congress has been the defective Republicans.

And so it goes
comment by strider333 on Apr 7, 2008 6:19 PM ()
This blog is like an alternate reality some're so divisive AR that half of the people stay way from your blog because of it? Maybe if you express ideas about how this country moves forward to meet the real challenges, you'd solicit discussion verses these super market "National Enquirer" type posts that supports propaganda verses objectivity and truth. Truth is, you sing with the extreme right wing choir instead of researching and engaging your intellect. Clearly, you listen to too much talk radio. Your self endulgent video isn't good and isn't funny? I'm going to have to engage some of this posts just to prove some points. I enjoy good conservative insight, but your stuff is always us against you...just making fun of people with some pretty lame humor. Neoconservatism is's going to go out with a whimper. I'm hoping with the 29 Reublicans retiring we'll get a few true conservatives back in the GOP. Maybe the country will then get something done. I loved debating in college...I always like the battering ram approach to shattering all of the shallow defenses put up when doing it. It's clear when someone defends the most incompetent and corrupt adminsitration in modern American History, this will be easy pickings.
comment by strider333 on Apr 7, 2008 6:08 PM ()
Great point about beep-bonics being the language of the Left. It is a language designed to express emotion - not thought.
comment by think141 on Apr 7, 2008 8:04 AM ()
What I said is "Comedy SKIT" not event. You might need to reread my comment. And she was asked to come, she didn't just show up drunk as you are insinuating. Randi has been right on target on many issues (Caging lists, Torture, CACI involvement (they even brought a lawsuit against her for exposing their participation in the physical and sexual torture, she won), and the outing of a covert CIA agent (aka treason) and her entire company (which just so happened to be investigating the recently exposed situation of high level Pentagon officials trying to sell 'Nuklear' secrets to Pakistan and other terrorist nations, as well as her getting the agency to double check (and debunk) the yellow cake claim.

Hey, being consistant, maybe you should run. You would already have one up on McCain...

And Believe me, as someone who WORKS in healthcare 36-48 hours a week, since 2001, Health care IS in crisis. A money racket by both hospitals and insurance companies. And while costs and insurance prices went up, wages adjusted for inflation have dropped or stayed stagnant this entire presidency. Not a liberal ploy, just a fact. I can't speak for what happened in the early 90s, but now (SCHIP, and more) has been either the results of filibusters or Vetoes, by Republicans. The blame goes only where it should. The republican idea with health care seems to be love the fetus, F**k the child (no pun to Mark Foley (et. al.)intended). THESE Republicans had their hayday, made their buddies rich, and ensured a near sweep in 2006 and coming in 2008. Maybe its time you started blaming YOUR reps, for destroying and/or weakening your parties power for years to come due to their own corruption.

comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 7, 2008 5:36 AM ()
You write great fiction AR...
comment by strider333 on Apr 6, 2008 8:08 PM ()
You of all people should know by now all about liberal-speak; never are they to be judged by their words or actions, or worst of all by their results (always non-positive)(meaningless)(inconsequential); but only by their lily-white and pure as the wind-driven-snow intentions. (Which is in reality only a means to fatten their own wallets and bank accounts)
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 6, 2008 3:35 PM ()
I figured you would have been amused by Randi calling ole Hillary a F***in Wh*re at a comedy skit.

"Think about the children" You must be joking about that AR. Let me weigh this, Language problems & Health Care or no obscene language problems and dead from health neglect after being ignored by another republican (or having your health care filibustered, vetoed or the like)....Hmmmm Priorities priorities...
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 6, 2008 3:01 PM ()

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