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Politics & Legal > Obama Loves Pennsylvania

Obama Loves Pennsylvania

Obama- mania continues with more Obama-isms

Obama said this:
"…You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them…"
Aaahh, Obama…

We have jobs here in Pennsylvania. We are not standing in the soup lines waiting for YOU to save us. What the hell are you talking about?
You better start talking to us…
Instead of talking "down" to us.
Obama continues…
"…And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations…"

You have just got to love this..!!
Obama had several great speeches early on that were well written, well rehearsed, and very well delivered.

However, out on the campaign trail, he is falling on his face. Obama cannot string several sentences together without insulting someone.
Hillary has a slight lead here in Pennsylvania. However, when this latest "Obama-ism" gets around to folks here in Pennsylvania, we are not going to take too kindly to it.
Being called a "gun carrying, Bible thumping person who is out of work. Looking for the government to save us. And because we are "so bitter", we cannot tolerate anyone else (of a different color..??)
Obama- you might want to cover your ears. What I am about to say isn't pretty.

Pennsylvania is called the "State of Independence." This is where it all started, Bubba. This dream of freedom didn't start in Chicago; it didn't originate in Los Angeles. It started in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania has two major, world- class cities with people of all color living side by side. It's been that way for hundreds of years.
In the middle, Pennsylvania has hard working people..
Oh yes, Obama. We have jobs. We work.

These people get more work done in one growing season, than Obama will in a lifetime.
Some of us own guns. Some do not.
Some of us believe in God. Some do not.
Some of us folks in Pennsylvania are republicans. Some are democrats.
But one thing we are NOT, is racist.

Pennsylvania has tunnels and old houses that were part of the "Underground Railroad", in which many of our great-grand parents tried to help slaves become free.
Don't you ever come to my state and call the people of Pennsylvania "racist."

Obama, why don't you visit Gettysburg? How many young farmers from Pennsylvania lost their lives on that bloody battlefield? Tens of thousands of young men died there, so that all men could be free. I will set up a tour for you, Obama. We have tours of Gettysburg going on right now.
In conclusion, Mr. Obama, the only racist I have seen in the past couple of weeks has been your preacher.
I still haven't received any kind of apology from you.
In the future, please refrain from calling the people of Pennsylvania- "gun carrying racists."
Let's drop the stereo types.
I have never called you a "crook from Chicago."

Thanks to "Hot Air" and "Right Wing News" for the Obama poster.

posted on Apr 12, 2008 11:32 AM ()


As usual, no facts just supermarket tabloid rhetoric. Let me just say it again AR, "It's the economy stupid"? In all sincerity this shrill hollowness makes no sense.

Anyways, just what is your point here?

Just because it's been said the economy is a major issue there and candidates talk about it, their talking down to them? Oh,if you have time AR, you may also want to look at Martin Luther King Jr. speeches that are even more critical of America then Wright. And guess what my friend, we have a Federal Holiday named for him. But, I know, your not interested in facts, just speculative empty discourse that always renders itself to pure propaganda. As for Obama being a racist, I'm certain he loved his mother who hey, just happens to be white?

Do all Catholics believe that if you're not a Catholic you're going to hell including all other Christians because you don't belong to their true church under the "One Church" Doctrine?

Did 9/11 happen because of gays like Jerry and Pat said, while being huge supporters of the Republican Party?

And how about John McCain who signed a statement condemning America as a murderous country and calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops from he a traitor?

Don't you just love the illusion of context? It makes great manipulation but awful truth.

comment by strider333 on Apr 13, 2008 12:30 AM ()
comment by texastar on Apr 12, 2008 8:19 PM ()

Yea, not one racist around here...
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 12, 2008 1:23 PM ()

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