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Politics & Legal > The Democratic Debate

The Democratic Debate

This morning on MSNBC's "Morning Joe", David Axelrod- An Obama senior adviser said- " the debate last night, it took 50 minutes before they tackled any real issue that the people in Pennsylvania care about…"
I am from Pennsylvania and I want to know why Obama sat in that church for 20 years listening to a racist Preacher. After the Sept 11th attacks on the World Trade Towers, when Rev. Wright preached that America was responsible for the attacks, (the chickens coming home to roost) why did Obama attend this church for 6 more years after that..??
Why did Obama sit on a board with a fellow member that was a known terrorist..?? (William Ayers of the terrorist group- The weather underground.)
Why doesn't Obama wear a flag pin and why does his wife Michelle sound so bitter towards America..??
These ARE the questions that I wanted answered because they speak to a persons character.

We already know what each candidate "says they will do" from their speeches:
Both Hillary and Obama will let the Bush tax cuts expire. This will be a tax increase because average Americans will see a $1,000 to $2,000 dollar increase in yearly taxes. The wealthy will pay much more.
We know that both Obama and Hillary will raise the capital gains tax from 15% to possibly 20%. The capital gains tax doesn't just effect the rich. If you were selling a home, you would be surprised at how much more the government will get from you, by just increasing the tax 5%. (at 20%- the government gets $20,000 bucks from you, for every $100,000 dollar value of you home. You are left with $80,000. Why..?? You already pay a third of your income to the feds.)

We all know that Hillary and Obama are going to either FORCE, or offer some national health care system. But, they will over tax people who make $250,000 per year to achieve this. Some small business owners fall into this bracket.
Small business, that used to offer health care to their employees, will drop that health care because they cannot afford it with all the new taxes they must pay under the Obama and Hillary system.
Here is the problem that no democrat wants to talk about…

Both Hillary and Obama are counting on the amount of 50 million uninsured Americans (as reported today) remaining a "stable" figure.
However, I know a few small business owners, if you raise their taxes higher in this economy, they cannot afford to pay for employee health care or employee 401K programs. THEY WILL DROP BOTH programs..!!
Under the Obama and Hillary system, you will create 50 million MORE Americans without health insurance.

Both Hillary and Obama have NO plan to deal with 100 million uninsured Americans. (They are counting on the uninsured level remaining at 50 million.)

So now we will have a crisis.

Small business' will be blamed for dropping employee health care. But the only reason small business will drop health care is because of the high Hillary and Obama taxes. (On those making $250,000 per year.)
This falls on a basic principal that conservatives understand and liberals never learn.
Why do people start a business?

Liberals, (from listening to them talk) believe a person starts a business to-
Goal 1- become rich
Goal 2- rip off the customers
Goal 3- rip off the employees
Goal 4- laugh all the way to the bank
Hey, I might get some flack for this, but this is really how many liberals view the business owner.

The model above is so far from the actual truth.
If you have ever owned a business or managed a business, then you already know that if a business were run like that, it would be out of business in a month.
Most people, whom I know of, started a business because they were doing something BETTER than anyone else they knew of was. Plus, they were tired of working for someone else. Getting wealthy was far from reality because it takes TONS of money to start a business. (Don't believe me? Try starting a business. You will see that I am right.)
Here is the actual model many business owners follow.
Goal 1- stay in business. (Do whatever "legally" you have to, to keep the doors open.)
Goal 2- make the customer happy. (So they will return and tell others about your business.)
Goal 3- make the employees happy. (It's too expensive to keep re-training new people. Happy employees will treat the customers better.)
Goal 4- Pay the bills, then pay yourself.
Goal 5- save enough money so that you can (one day) quit working so freaking hard. You can retire and give the business to your kids so they can bust their asses, while you lay on a beach somewhere.)

Understanding how small business works helps to understand why small business cannot afford higher taxes without "cutting something."

So we already know what Obama and Hillary are proposing.

The questions I wanted to know about are based on character.
I want to know WHY Obama listened to the Racist Rev. Wright for 20 years? Why Obama bought his house with the help of con man Tony Rezko? Why Obama was friends with a terrorist- William Ayers.
(If liberals were objective, they would be asking these kinds of questions. Because they ask them of President Bush all the time.)
I want to know why Hillary cannot keep her stories straight? Why she is drinking booze?
I want to know why McCain votes liberal?
So I am glad ABC News finally quizzed Obama and Hillary on questions of character.
("CAUSE" we all know their plans.)
Hillary and Obama will raise taxes on business owners who make $250,000 per year. This will "CAUSE" more Americans to be uninsured. This will "CAUSE" the government to raise taxes on the middle class. Which will "CAUSE" you to have less money tomorrow with a national health plan, then you would today if you bought your own health plan.

Which brings us to this weekend's editorial…
"CAUSE" and effect.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Here is our current "Angry Poll Question"

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Here are the results of our last poll question

The Angry Poll Question
How does this Rev. Wright - Obama situation effect your vote??
I was voting for Obama, but not now. 0%
I'm still voting for Obama, but it worries me 0%
No effect at all, bring on Obama!! 22%
I was never voting for Obama, could care less. 67%
I'm going to write in- Rev Wright cause he's right 0%
I just found a dollar. 9 more and I can buy some "crack" 11%
Can I "text" in my vote like American Idol? 0%
Other view suggestions 0%

Thanks for reading The Angry Republicans

posted on Apr 17, 2008 10:50 AM ()


Who knows with AR...he pulls fanciful things out of the air? But wait he knows some people who own a small business and so it's kinda a like..."some people say". Well AR in case you don't know, yes there is a health care crisis in this country, hey and guess what, the people who provide 80% of our good old new employment are the ones suffering most. He's a few "facts:"


WASHINGTON – One of the biggest challenges currently facing entrepreneurs is a lack of health care coverage. Today, small business leaders and representatives from the health insurance industry discussed the reasons that small firms have difficulty providing coverage and potential solutions to this issue. This hearing marks the beginning of the committee’s work to make health care more affordable and available to this nation’s 26 million small businesses.
Entrepreneurs have been among the hardest hit in the health care crisis. Of the 46 million Americans without health insurance, more than half live in a household headed by a small business owner or employee. Nearly all businesses with more than 200 employees offer coverage, but only 48 percent of the smallest firms do. While small businesses represent the majority of employers in this nation, it is clear they are having extreme difficulty in providing their employees with health care coverage.

Small Businesses Pay More for Healthcare
• Small firms pay more for coverage because they lack the bargaining clout of large companies. They are also more vulnerable to sharp premium increases and they pay higher costs to have their plans administered.

• According to a recent poll, 70% of small businesses picked healthcare costs as their most rapidly growing expense.

• Rising and unpredictable health insurance costs paralyze small businesses and translate into job loss and failure to hire.

• Employees in small firms who insure their families contributed nearly $1,100 more a year for premiums in 2005 than their counterparts in large firms.

• Employees in small firms also pay substantially higher deductibles than those in large firms. Workers in small firms enrolled in PPO plans must pay deductibles that are 100% higher when using in-network providers and 60% higher when using out-of-network providers.

A Nice story

For the past 18 years, Cathey Sandman has owned her own small business, catering to as many as 18 children a day in her home-based child care center in Lockport, N.Y. To the 13 families who rely on her, she provides a critically needed service. Without the center, she knows many would be hard-pressed to find care elsewhere.
It's one of the reasons she keeps working even though two years ago she joined the ranks of 27 million other people who own or work for a small business, yet have no health insurance. "Five years ago my husband joined my business as my assistant and business partner," she told lawmakers at a congressional hearing this week. "We had to purchase our own health insurance and found it expensive but affordable."
But after consecutive annual premium increases (up 100 percent in six years), they made the painful decision to give up their coverage. "It was not an easy choice, but after the last few premium increases the monthly cost for our health insurance was the same as the cost of our monthly mortgage payment," she says.

I don't know you wear a flag?

Are you a brain surgeon if you go listen to one?

Don't most people buy a house after selling know no capital gains until they reach the age they're exempt?

Don't you think the rich tax cuts should go to the middle class that is paying 3.59 for a gallon of gas, trying to keep up with the 87 percent rise in health care insurance cost since 2002 or maybe assist in getting relief after no real wage increase in 30 years...don't you think you should look up facts instead of making things up?

And by the way, neither model works for small business that you quote...these are quality enthusiastic people that have a passion and a dream and guess what, they are both liberal and conservatives.

comment by strider333 on Apr 17, 2008 4:16 PM ()
Funny how Wrights comments about 9/11 anger you, but when people like robertson (whose school Mccain spoke at) said 9/11 happened because of the gays or some such nonesense, not a peep from the right. Get over the Wright thing, you are beating a dead horse trying to conflate Obama into Wright. I guess you don't care about McCain's endorsement by Hagee, Mr. catholic church is a #####.

Oh thats right, Democrats are held to a higher standard. Racism and religious zealotry are expected of republicans...
comment by ekyprogressive on Apr 17, 2008 11:06 AM ()
Yeah, this is a real mess isn't it? I took your vote poll if the election were held today. I will vote the same way in November unless, by some miracle someone else were to drop into the race but, I don't see that happening. Good post AR as always.
comment by texastar on Apr 17, 2008 10:59 AM ()

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