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Politics & Legal > Science Gets Expelled

Science Gets Expelled

Do you feel that if you wear a sweater inside your house to keep warm, you can make the Arctic ice shelf stop melting?
Do you believe that if you drive your car less often, you can stop hurricanes and forest fires from happening?
It sounds silly when you think of it in that way.
However, you are not alone.

All through history people have believed some wild things. Men once believed that if they sailed too far out into the ocean, they would fall off the edge of the world.
Let me tell you about something that I believed since I was a child and just recently found out to be untrue:

All my life I believed that Galileo was thrown into prison by the Church because he believed the earth was NOT the center of the universe.
This is completely false.

The church never confronted Galileo on his scientific research. It wasn't until Galileo began to publicly decipher the Bible, which in those days was not permitted, without confiding in the church- first, that Galileo was arrested.
Galileo was never thrown in jail.
He was confined to his house, (which was a huge house) and he continued to work on his scientific theories. The church never bothered him again.

See, Galileo was a member of the church and therefore church rules applied to him.

Most famous scientists believed in religion.

Almost all of them. From Darwin, to Albert Einstein. From Galileo to Copernicus.(Matter of fact, Copernicus was the Deacon of his church.)

Actually, (and this is really wild) it was a Catholic Priest who first presented the theory that the universe is expanding outwards from "some beginning."

In 1927, Joseph Éduard Lemaître, using facts he obtained from years of viewing the sky with his telescope, presented his theory of an expanding universe. Albert Einstein refused to believe this expanding universe theory because Einstein held on to the belief that the universe was stagnant. (Unchanging.)
When most men would walk by and pay no attention to the night sky, it was religious people who began to chart the heavens. It was religious people who started mapping out the sky and created astronomy. Giving special names to the planets that they could see with the naked eye. Names we still use today like Mars and Venus.
It was religious people, who thought that they were naming Gods, who started us on this scientific journey to discover "who we are."
It has been said that science tries to discover "how things work." Religion tries to discover "why things work." This was very true in the past. For most, if not all, great scientists were religious. (And remained religious until their death.)
Today, I'm not so sure people understand this symbiotic relationship.

As I travel around this great blog world, I find many non- religious people who believe that they are the "cats ass."
Cats ass
- (definition) Free thinking intellectuals.

They believe religion garrotes scientific study. Which is not the case. Had Galileo NOT believed in God, he would have been an outsider. He would have never had the money to own a telescope, let alone perfect it. Galileo needed religion to fund his studies, because no one else had that kind of money.
Liberal non-believers have their ears closed.

I have been called a "flat-earther", a Jesus freak, and ignorant because I believe in God.
Years ago, when I first started blogging, I would argue with these people. I would remind them that Darwin believed in God and actually dropped his evolution theory and dedicated the remainder of his life to God.
It doesn't matter to these people. They believe religion, all religion is wrong. Could you imagine a person saying that all Black people are criminals? But today, you have many people in the blog world claiming that all religion is evil. That religion is the cause of humanities suffering.
"Free thinkers" who do not have much freedom in thought.

I do not have much time for the non-believer who calls me ignorant. For I know where all science derives from. It comes from one person reaching out in this world. It has little to do with a belief in God, or if the person is male or female, white or black.
With that said
, I have given some thought to fighting with people who believe in "man made" global warming. I will still point out factual errors in the theory and fight a stupid greenhouse gas tax. But I am not going to fight with the"greens."If you believe that walking to work, instead of driving your car, will save the polar bears…
That's fine with me.

Walking is great exercise and you will save money not buying gas.
Besides, walking to work will give you time to think. And just like ancient man who thought he was naming the Gods. (But in reality, he was inventing astronomy.) Maybe while walking to work, you will ponder cancer and come up with a cure.
Maybe, while you are sitting in your dark house with the TV turned off, (to save the Australian Hissing Frog) you will become bored and write a great novel. Without the distractions of a computer, iPod, and cell phone- you might paint a masterpiece. (On recycled canvas, of course.)
So walk to work.
Turn off that TV.The polar bears thank you.

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

Research material used- The History Channel's- "The Universe."
Originally written and published on November 11, 2007
If you enjoyed that editorial, you might also like this one- "Hey, Mister Science Guy"

Ben Stein gets Expelled

Ask a liberal about Joseph McCarthy, and they will tell you stories about people being blacklisted for "no good reason."
However, ask a liberal about scientists being Blacklisted for asking questions about Darwinism, you will not hear a peep.
Why MUST science be trapped in a box..??
Isn't science the art of questioning- things..??
Ben Stein's movie- "Expelled"

Thanks for reading The Angry Republican

posted on Apr 15, 2008 6:37 PM ()


"Science" is definitely being expelled,if not totally disregarded, as in the myth of so-called man-made global-warming. All meteorological and climatological data proves the during the past 12 years the Earth's total global temperature has been cooling rapidly, and that just in the past 2 years the temperature decrease has overcome the slight temperature rise noted from 1970 through 1995.
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 16, 2008 7:59 PM ()
I'm not sure what your point is because it doesn't appear to be well restricted on a topic. However, when I read your dictates toward global warming it reminded me of the Urbanites that deny fact worried that they're going to have to chop wood and ride horses. I guess your still sucked in with the Administrations use of white out or the payoffs for cronies to desparge the facts to continue to suck blood out of a turnup. Even if one questions the facts, I just paid 3.59 for gas tonight when the old gasoline engine should have been history a long time ago and I should of been paying 8 cents a gallon charging my battery for my EV. Either you have stock in the oil industry or your still stuck in the foolery of against them. Enough said for objectivity when one is locked into that sheepish approach. It's about us, being played fools by the two party system.

Hey you gotta love Urban VIII who also issued a 1624 papal bull that made smoking tobacco punishable by excommunication,[2] because he believed it led to sneezing which too closely resembled sexual ecstasy. Urban is of course the Pope that had Galileo placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

As for Einstein, there needs to be a clarification on his beliefs straight from Wikipeia:

Einstein stated that "My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."[53] Einstein also stated: "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth," and "In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views."[54] Einstein clarified his religious views in a letter he wrote in response to those who claimed that he worshipped a Judeo-Christian god: "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."[54][55] In his book The World as I See It, he wrote: "A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which are only accessible to our reason in their most elementary forms—it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man."[56]

He had a prfound life and understood at the sub atomic level...all the rules changed. I don't think anyone ever doubted the great minds of the world came out of a multitude of religions in terms of science. It has nothing to do with religious beliefs. However, intelligent design is a whole different world and doesn't belong in the scientific realm. It's pretty much is in good contrast in Einsteins belief. Fundamentalism is a interpretation of the bible as literal and certainly lends itself to no creibility.

As for Joe McCarthy? Come on AR...we've had that debate years ago...look it up on your blog....seriously go look for it...
comment by strider333 on Apr 15, 2008 9:26 PM ()

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