Ancient One


Ancient One
Albion, IN


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Ancient's Times

Politics & Legal > Upright


“[A]s I have talked with some of our young soldiers, as well as some vets and their families, I have begun to notice a budding awareness (if not yet quite resentment) among them that not only are a very small fraction of Americans prepared to wear the uniform and bear the burden of citizenship but also few of their fellow Americans even seem to be aware or appreciative of the sacrifice.” —Tony Blankley

“As for this week’s Clinton complaints [that sexism is doing her in], I imagine [Margaret] Thatcher would bop her on the head with her purse. [Indira] Gandhi would say ‘That is no way to play it.’ [Golda] Meir? ‘They said I was the only woman in the cabinet and the only one with—well, you know. I loved it’.” —Peggy Noonan

“If the House of Representatives has now declared it ‘illegal’ for the government of Saudi Arabia to restrict oil production, why is it still legal for the government of the United States to restrict oil production? In fact, the government of the United States restricts pretty much every form of energy production other than the bizarre fetish du jour of federally mandated ethanol production.” —Mark Steyn

“Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama want to raise the price of oil, as well as most everything else, and lower the value of the pension and mutual funds that union members and retirees depend on. Of course, they don’t describe their plan that way. Instead, they call for a windfall-profits tax on the oil companies. But it’s the same thing.” —John Stossel

“Republican National Committee Chairman Robert M. Duncan complains that conservative, pro-life, pro-gun Democrats won three special elections by stealing GOP issues... Democrats didn’t steal your issues, sir. You abandoned them. Your party discarded them. Democrats simply engaged in dumpster harvesting.” —Cal Thomas

posted on May 31, 2008 11:11 AM ()

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