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Ancient's Times

Politics & Legal > Philadelphia's Village Idiot

Philadelphia's Village Idiot

Mayor Michael Nutter lived up to his name this week by signing five anti-gun laws in direct contravention of Pennsylvania’s constitution. Among other things, the laws ban the sale of “assault weapons” and limit handgun purchases to one per month. Philadelphia has tried to implement its own gun laws in the past, but the Supreme Court ruled in 1996 that the city couldn’t override the laws passed by the state legislature. By signing and enforcing the five new anti-gun laws, therefore, Mayor Nutter has committed five misdemeanor crimes, and the NRA has promised to sue. Nutter justified breaking the law, saying, “Almost 232 years ago, a group of concerned Americans took matters in their own hands and did what they needed to do by declaring that the time had come for a change. We are going to make ourselves independent of the violence that’s been taking place in this city for far too long.” He added, “If we all sat around bemoaning what the law was on a regular basis, I’d probably still be picking cotton somewhere as opposed to being mayor of the city of Philadelphia.” Maybe someone should tell Nutter that 232 years ago, a group of concerned Americans brought about change using guns. And that he isn’t picking cotton because of guns.

Joining in the good fight, Wal-Mart has decided to help curb gun violence by videotaping firearm sales and creating a database of all gun purchases, despite the fact that the company does not sell assault weapons or handguns. The announcement is the result of negotiations with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition. So if Mayor Nutter really wants to make a difference, he should get a job at Wal-Mart, where they’ll be shooting video of people buying bolt-action.22 rifles. I feel so much safer already…. don’t you?

posted on Apr 19, 2008 2:37 PM ()

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