Hey, God, Universe, Ishtar, Ianna, All the Saints in Heaven, All my Ancestors that look over me, Mama Ling, Lolo, Grandpa, All Powerful Energy that flows through Everything ... I call out to you ...
Manifest love, a loving relationship and the great relationship I have with my sweet boyfriend, manifest this with me. He loves me and I love him and we are one kick-ass, loving, happy, joyous couple together.
His kisses are what makes my breath possible. His smile gives me faith the day will be a good one. When he tickles me and I scream in hysterics, we create an overwhelming bond of good, better and bettering.
We are a great couple together. We disagree, but clear the air. We agree, and love stronger.
We have a happy home together. We love to love each other.
We are a healthy, loving couple.