On March 21st, 2009, World Down Syndrome Day will mark the 50th anniversary of the publication of Professor Jerome Lejeune's discovery of the extra copy of chromosome 21 which causes Down Syndrome.
Now known as trisomy-21 because of the third copy of the 21st chromosome, Down Syndrome was first described by the English doctor, John Langdon Down, in 1866 but until Professor Lejeune's publication in 1959, the ultimate cause of Down Syndrome was unknown.
Kayleigh has Down Syndrome but it's only a small part of who she is.

She laughs.

She loves.

She reaches for the stars.
My life will never be the same again
by Cheryl Magnussen
God made a living miracle
with his very own paintbrush.
As each stroke of His hand
touched upon the canvas
He created a child;
one that He loved so very dearly,
one that He knew would change the hearts
of everyone who took the time to know her,
a child who would show this world
countless unknown miracles,
….a child with special needs.
God must love me so very much
as He trusted in me
to become the mother
of this sweet angel child.
In doing so
He gave me a new life.
One that slows the clocks of time,
teaches me to pause and smell the dandelions,
shows me there is beauty in a goat
and has me catching snakes to revel in their colors;
a life that grants me lessons in respect,
true courage, humanity and advocacy.
God rescued me through this child
and ever so thankfully…..
my life will never be the same again.