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Hindsight Is 20/20

Life & Events > Relationships > It's Just Who I AM

It's Just Who I AM

Yesterday, I took Kenzie to gymnastics because Holly had to run an errand for Bevan.
When it was finished, the girls were given "mall bucks" for each event they did well.  This is scrip money that they can redeem for things on "Parents' Night Out" at the center.
As she was collecting her clothes from a cubby, one little girl was standing nearby clinging to her father in tears.  Kenzie walked over to her and said,
"Here, you can have one of mine," and handed her one of her "mall bucks".  The father and the little girl thanked her.
After the child and her dad walked away, I asked her why the little girl was crying.  She answered that she had not been given a "mall buck" for one of their routines because she hadn't done well on it.
"Well, that was awfully thoughtful of you to give her one of yours,"  I said.  "I'm proud of you for doing that."
She looked up at me and remarked,  "It's just who I am."
What a profound statement from a seven-year-old and what a great testament to her character.

posted on Apr 13, 2011 7:39 AM ()


comment by marta on Apr 14, 2011 6:19 AM ()
How sweet. Ashley is generous like that.
comment by elderjane on Apr 13, 2011 6:48 PM ()
Some children just naturally have that nature about them. One can only hope that someone doesn't come along to ruin it for them.
reply by redimpala on Apr 14, 2011 5:47 AM ()

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