Actually, this is a joke. Gaddafi's bodyguards are in reality anything but ugly. He is getting to enjoy his "virgins" a little ahead of schedule, albeit it, only forty rather than the customary hundred.
His personal bodyguards are forty supposedly virgin women handpicked by Gaddafi himself, allegedly as a fulfillment of a promise to his mother to "improve and educate" the women of Libya. His mother was illiterate.
Well, at least 40 women have benefitted from the billions he has stolen from his people. They have, however, been roundly criticized In the Muslim world for wearing western-style clothing and for living a lifestyle not suitalbe for a Muslim woman.

Highly trained in martial arts, weaponry, and all skilled killers, these forty women, who do take a vow of chastity, are the wall that surrounds Gaddafi when he appears in public and are with him in private as well.
The dictator dispels the idea that he occasionally tastes the delights of his bodyguards; since we all know how honest Gaddafi is, take that for what its worth.