Haha, I found this in my old writing folder, the sequel is coming soon.
So what exactly are pandas you might wonder? Well, I'll tell you.
Pandas are God's most awkward creation. Or one of them at least, the other one we won't mention.WEEELLLLLL, Once upon a time a very, very long time ago God sat after he had created his bamboo forest, yes, a bamboo forest. You heard me right the first time. He created all sorts of lovely things such as monkeys, tigers, koalas, sloths, and the panda bears. The panda bear was a little bit odder than all the rest. For you see once God got done creating the last animal in the bamboo forest he didn't have that many parts left, so he had to improvise. He took little parts here and there and had to use some robotic parts as he finished. ( yes, God created robots, do not ask ANY questions, just read the god damn thing!) Haha, was god damn a bad thing to put in a fabricated story about God? I'm probably going to hell with Huckleberry Finn now.....Well I've gotten enough off subject, back to the pandas. God had found bad people, The Ta-ha-la-wegees! They chopped down the bamboo stalks and put trees in their place, and the pandas had nothing to eat. So in the middle of the night they went into town and ate all the babies heads off. Once again I'm probably going to hell for this.The Ta-ha-la-wegees were very upset that their babies no longer had heads. So they went into the forest and shanked the pandas. I'm making a shanking motion right now but unfortunately you cannot see me. (myspace picture later!) The few remanding pandas fled for their life, or flew rather I shall say with their nifty robotic parts from God. They went to America were they got pudgy from trans-fats. They cursed the Americans and some went back to the now Rainforest and lived there lives. They brought many trans-fats back to the forest and many animals became fat and the Ta-ha-la-wegees died of strokes and heart attacks.