Would you say that you are easily embarrassed?
What is the most embarrassing item of clothing you have, or have had?
When I was little I had those feet pajamas, they were pink with Barbie on them.
What is the most embarrassing thing that you have ever one when you were drunk?
I've never been drunk :P
Are you embarrassed by having dated any of your exes?
Has your current partner embarrassed you recently?
Not lately :P Give him time.
Do you generally have an embarrassing taste in boyfriends / girlfriends?
Do your friends think so?
Yes! haha I date all the dorks. ;]
Would stripping for your partner embarrass you?
HAHA YES. I would laugh so much.
What about in public?
Well duh.
Who is your most embarrassing friend?
My dad.
He pushes me into things at the store. Then he waits on the balcony to throw water balloons at me as I come home from school. Not to mention the time he didn't want to put the toilet paper away and so we threw it back and fourth for five minutes.
Does being naked embarrass you?
Does porn embarrass you?
I don't know haha.
What is the most embarrassing thing about sex?
Are you embarrassed by anyone particular in your family?
Yes, All of them!!
What is your MOST embarrassing experience?
In third grade I asked the teacher over and over to marry me and he had to ask my parents to tell me to stop haha.
What part of your body / personality are you most embarrassed about?
mmmmm Tummy?
Have you ever REALLY embarrassed someone else?
It's my life goal :D
Do you get embarrassed asking people for money they owe you?
Have you ever embarrassed yourself by dancing like an idiot?
Do you get embarrassed talking to someone you are into?
Can they tell, or do you generally hide it well when you are embarrassed?
Not at all haha.
Do you get embarrassed in sympathy with people?
Actually, yes!
Can you shrug off embarrassing situations easily?
Depends on the situation.
Do you actually enjoy embarrassing people?
Oh yes :]