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Life & Events > Boring > Longest Survey I Ever Did!

Longest Survey I Ever Did!

What is your name?: Yvonne
Spell your name backwards: ennovY
Date of birth: August 9th
Male or female?: Female
Astrological sign: Leo
Nicknames: One of my friends calls me "V"
Occupation: part-time shift manager/cook for a pick up/delivery pizza place.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 122
Hair color: blondish/light brown
Eye color: blue
Where were you born?: Milwaukee
Where do you reside now?: Milwaukee
Screen names: momrocks2, rocknmommi
E-mail address: ok, not gonna happen
What does your journal sn stand for?: I'm a mom who likes to rock too.
Pets: one female 20 pound cock-a-poo
Number of candles you blew out on your last b-day cake?: didn't have a cake, but it would of been 36
Piercings?: 2 in each ear
Tattoos?: 1
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Righty or left?: right
Wearing: Black T-shirt with Betty Boop on a Harley, blue jeans
Hearing: the fan on medium
Feeling: anxious
Eating/drinking: Diet GT Cola, Yuk!
Girls/Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
How many people have you told "I love you"?: my son, my fiancee, my fiancee's mom, my dad, my mother (R.I.P), and maybe 2 ex-boyfriends
How many people have you been in love with?: only my fiancee...the others I just thought I was.
Does someone in your family wear a toupee?: Nope
Do you have any nieces or nephews?: no
Are your parents divorced?: Yes.. when I was 8 years old.
Do you have step parents?: No
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family?: No
If so, for what?: N/A
Did some of your family come to America from another country?: Yep. My grandmother and grandfather came from Germany on the boat from what I was told.
Music Stuff
What song do you swear was written about you or your life?: I haven't really come across any that I know of
What's the best CD you own?: A mixed classic rock cd
What song do you absolutely hate?: Rap music
Do you sing in the shower?: very seldom
What song reminds you of that special someone?: Heart: Magic Man lol
Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give A Lyric From Any Of Their Songs
Pink: I'm coming up so you better get this party started
Aerosmith: Dream on until your dreams come true
Madonna: cause I'm crazy for you, touch me once and you know it's true. 
Korn:  can't think of anything right now
Backstreet Boys: don't know
The Beatles: We all live in a yellow submarine
Sublime: I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
J Lo: have no clue
N Sync: no clue
Limp Bizkit: crawling in my skin 
Britney Spears: Oops I did it again
Creed: If I go crazy then will you be there holding my hand
Enrique Iglesias: don't know
Good Charlotte: have no clue
Christina Aguilera: ugh don't know
Eminem:  Yes I'm the real slim shady
New Found Glory: don't know
Kelly Clarkson: don't know
Kelly Osbourne: Don't know 
Mandy Moore: don't know
Eve: Don't know 
Aaliyah: don't know
Nelly: don't know
Alicia Keys: don't know
Incubus: don't know
Color: earth tones
Food: mexican
Song: Right now, it Headstrong by Trapt
Show: Cold Case
School Subject: art
Band/Singer: Ann Wison from Heart
Animal: dogs, wolves
Outfit: the one my sister just made me for the Crue Fest Concert
Radio station: 102.9 the hog
Movie: Pulp Fiction or Grease
Pair of shoes: camo skater-looking shoes
Cartoon: Family Guy
Actor: Johnny Depp
Actress: none
Potato chip: sour cream and onion
Drink: caffine free pepsi
Alcoholic drink: Miller Lite
Holiday: Holloween
Perfume/Cologne: Jovan White Musk
Pizza Topping: anything but tomatoes or anchovies
Jello flavor: rasberry
Lunch meat: turkey
Board game: Monopoly
Video Game: Hotshots Golf or Guitar Hero
Website: Myspace or Netpotion
Book: The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx or the biography of Slash
Computer game: pretty much anything on Pogo.com
Number: 8
Cereal: Cinnimon toast crunch (even though I can't spell it lol)
Comedian: Strangley enough, it used to be Bob Hope, but now it would be George Carlin and Richard Pryor
Dessert: rasberry cheese cake
Disney character: Mini Mouse
Clothing store: Closet Classics, or Walmart
Pastime: hmmmm...what am I doing right now?
Teacher: Mr. Gletti
Childhood toy: Barbershop playdo lol!
Carnival game/ride: Balloon darts
Candy bar: Twix
Magazine: anything with Harley Davidson's in it.
Salad dressing: bacon ranch or catilina
Thing to do on the weekend: working for the most part, not my favorite of course because that is all I do on the weekends.
Hot drink: caffine free tea
Season: summer
Sport to watch: drag racing
Person to talk to online: Marjorie
Your bedroom/Sleeping Habits
What color are your sheets?: marroon
What color are your bedroom walls?: white
Do you have posters on your wall?: No
If so, of what?: N/A
Do you have a tv in your bedroom?: yes
How many pillows are on your bed?: 4
What do you normally sleep in?: excuse me, but what is this thing called sleep in? lol!
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas?: tweety bird shorts and any t-shirt
What size bed do you have?: Queen
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed?: No
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom: No
Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep?: No
Describe the last nigthmare you had: Falling from the sky and just waking up as I start to feel the cement
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No
How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?: 2
Do you sleep in any unusual positions?: no?
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling?: no
Do you snore?: Yes, but lightly from what my fiancee says
How about drool?: probably, I have no clue. lol!
Do you have an alarm clock in your room?: Yes
What color is the carpet in your room?: we have wood floors
What's under your bed?: don't know, it's been awhile since I looked under there. lol!
This or that
beach or mountains: Beach
donuts or bagels: bagels
day or night: Days
wicked witch of the east or wicked witch of the west: is there a difference?
heaven or hell: Heaven...if there is one...sorry, I am undecided on this one as far as believing.
make love or have sex: Make Love!!
coffee or tea: tea, I don't drink coffee
britney or christina: blah, none of them
swiss cheese or american cheese: Swiss
real world or road rules: huh?
backstreet boys or nsync: none of them
silver or gold: gold
nike or adidas: ummmm adidas
mcdonalds or taco bell: Taco Bell
sweet or sour: Both
punk or emo: maybe punk
hot or cold: depends on what
winter or summer: Summer
spring or fall: spring
operas or plays: Probably plays
read or watch tv: tv
cds or tapes: CDs, however I still have one tape left.
dvds or vhs: dvds
old or new: Depends on what.
shorts or skirts: shorts
pink or red: Red
colored pictures or black and white photos: Both...it depends on the picture. Sometimes a picture is accented with detail more with black and white
meat or vegetables: Both
mexican food or chinese food: mexican
commercials or infomercials: none
scary movies or comedies: both
bikinis or one piece bathing suits: One piece, I don't like to show off alot
sandals or tennis shoes: tennis shoes
dogs or cats: I love both
unicorns or fairies: Fairies
water or land: Both
sugar or spice: spice
black or white: black
ribbons or bows: ribbons
chicken or beef: chicken
colored christmas lights or regular white christmas lights: Colored
cars or trucks: Trucks
austin powers or james bond: Austin Powers
popcorn or pretzels: Popcorn
hip or hop: no clue
passionate kiss or peck: Passionate kiss 
wwe wrestling or real wrestling: WWE Wrestling
back rub or foot massage: foot massage
picture frames or photo albums: doesn't matter as long as I have my pictures
pens or pencils: Pens
what is your opinion of the following
eminem: good music artist and creative
god: not sure
the osbournes: the most insane abnormal but normal family I have ever seen on tv.
reality tv: fake
j.lo: I don't know...ummmm...showing her age and easy?
religion: Don't know much about it.
emo music: I forgot what it was.
valentine's day: very special
christina aguilera's comeback: seeing is believing
inter-recial relationships: As long as you are truley unconditionally happy, then I am happy for you.
murder: absolutely the worst...humans seem to be the only species that kills just for the sake of killing. Really sad.
death: scary
obesity: something that can be corrected unless it is a medical condition, but as far as I am concerned, a persons personality is more important to me. Could care less what you look like.
pre-marital sex: Depending on the relationship. If it's a bad relationship from the start, then it's not a good idea.
terrorism: frightening
pornography: If that is what you get into, me, I am not much for it.
fortune tellers: the fakest of the fake
prostitution:  degrading you body
country music: too sappy and depressing for the most part, but some can be ok I guess, but I don't prefer to listen to it.
cloning: just not right
gas prices in america: way too high
name game: what do you think of when you hear these commons names?
jack: my fiancee's friend
tiffany: barbie doll
ben: stiller
maria: WWE Wrestling
jennifer: Lopez
nicole: Kidmann
amy:  no clue
adam: Sandler
richard: Pryor
justin: Timberlake (don't know why)
arnold: Horshack (welcome back Kotter)
tom: Jerry
melissa: Montgomery 
charlotte: Good
jarold: No Clue
john: fiancee's friend, we call him "Homez"
joel: Billy
vanessa: no clue
michelle: old friend. she came up missing one year and they never found her. she was a teenager back then with a child on the way. sad...miss her
kevin: Costner
brent: no clue
jake: old friend of my fiancee's
billy: Joel
sarah: no clue
natalie: Facts of Life
christi: my friend but spelled differently
nick: my son's biological father
linda: no clue
taylor: Lisa....I didn't like her in school
jordan: Sparks
jamie: Farr
adrian: The movie "Rocky"
have you ever
mooned anyone: no
been on a diet: no
been to a foreign country: no
broken a bone: no fractured once though
swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: No
swear at a teacher: no
talked to an lj member via e-mails or instant messages: no, don't like Livejournal too much
got in a fight: Yes
laughed so hard you peed your pants: yes, one time lol!
gone skinny dipping: no
met another lj member in the flesh: no
told a little white lie: Yes...told many of them when I was a teenager
stolen anything: when I was 13. Wow! Did my dad let me have it! lol!
misused a swear word and sounded absolutely stupid: can that actually be possible?
been on tv: no
been on the radio: no
been in a mosh pit: Yes...I got out real fast and just waited til the show was over to go to the bathroom. lol!
been to a concert: yes, going to one on Saturday...also been to 3 before this one.
dated one of your best friends: No
loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes
broken the law: Yes...way back in the day. lol!
been to a rodeo: once with my dad
been on a talk show: no
been on a game show: no
been on an airplane: no...afraid of hieghts
got to ride on a firetruck: no
came close to dying: no
cheated on a bf/gf: yes...long long long long time ago...like 12 years ago.
gave someone a piggy back ride: Yes
terrorized a babysitter: No
made a mud pie: no
had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: yes
snuck out of the house at night: did that alot when I was a teenager. Second floor of my dad's old apartment.
been so drunk you don't remember your name: no
feel like you didn't belong: Yes
felt like the 3rd wheel: Yes
smoked: cigarettes I still do. Pot I did and quit in 1991
done drugs: yes, I used to do cocaine and pot. I have been drug-free since 1991
had your tonsils removed: No
gone to camp: Yes...day camp
won a bet: Yes
written a love letter: Yes
gone out of your way to be with the one you love: Yes
written a love poem: a couple times
kissed in the rain: yes
slow danced with someone you love: yes
stolen a kiss: no
asked a friend for relationship advice: Yes
had a friend steal your bf/gf: Yes
watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: no, but sounds awesome!
gotten a speeding ticket: I don't drive
done jail time: No 
had to wear a uniform to work: Yes...all the time
won a trophy: Yes
thrown up in public: yeah
bowled a perfect game: No
got perfect attendance in grade school: no
roasted pumpkin seeds: yes
taken ballet lessons: yes. I went to ballet and tap dancing lessons when I was a kid.
childhood stuff
did you play with barbies: No
did you own treasure trolls: no
did you watch beverly hills 90210: No
did you play simon: Yes
did you watch fraggle rock: Yes
did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: The boogie man
did you wear underwear with the days of the week on them: lmao! Yes I did!!!
were you shy: So shy that I picked on in school because of it.
were you spoiled: not really...didn't have alot of money to just waste
did you go to the circus: Yes
did you go to the zoo: yes
were you in a car accident: Yes. one time, not real serious though
did you buildt snowmen: yes, and snow angels
did you cry when you scraped your knee: no
were your older cousins mean to you: No...didn't know I had cousins
did you think slinkies were cool: Yep
did you think the ninja turtles really lived in the sewer: No
were you afraid of the dark: yes
did you have slumber parties: no
did you have new kids on the block sheets, curtains, and sleeping bags: hell no
did you tease your hair out like tiffany: no, I did my hair like Bon Jovi lol!
did you believe in the easter bunny/santa claus/the tooth fairy: for a little bit
do you believe in aliens: No
name three things that are next to your computer: new printer, cigarettes, digital camera
do you wish mtv would play music videos: I haven't watched MTV since the 80's. That's when they were good!
if you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: I'd be the rock star. lol!
what would your movie star name be: Mercadies Benz lol!
do you play any sports: No
what's the scariest movie you've ever seen: Saw
what is the best movie you've seen in the teater or rented recently: I haven't gone to the theatre in a long time. I would have to say I last saw "Twister"
what is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: Space Balls
do you drive: no
what is your dream car: Believe it or not, it's an elcamino
do you think you're good looking: I think I am average
do others think you are good looking: a few do I am sure...no not conceided...just convinced. lol!
would you ever sky dive: No
do you believe in bigfoot: No
do you live with your siblings: No but my sister lives with me. lol!
are you afraid of roller coasters: yes
do you believe in god: don't know
do you believe in satan: don't know
do you believe there is a heaven: don't know
do you believe there is a hell: don't know
do you own a pool table: No
do you have a pool: No
do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: No
do you like chocolate: yes, but I can't eat it much. I have bad teeth
how many us states have you been to: 8-10 including here at home
ever wished on a shooting star: Yes
best halloween costume you ever wore: A gothic cheerleader. lol! My sister did that one like in 2002
do you carry any weapons on you: No
what is your weakness: cheese cake lol!
name something you can't get enough of: my computer and kisses on the cheek from my son (shhhhhh...don't tell anyone lol)
how many kids do you want to have: I have one now and I only want one more...that's it. After that, the doctors can shut this bad boy down. lol!
future daughters names: Crystal Jade
future sons names: Sabastian
how do you release stress: putting child to bed every night. lol! That's my time.
are you a trendy person: No 
are you an artistic person: Sometimes
are you a realistic person: Yes
do you untie your shoes every time you take them off: no
are you a strong person: depends on the day
are you a strong willed person: depends on the day
who is the last person to e-mail you: a NetPotion Nudge. lol!
who is the last person to im you: Marjorie
do you hate chain e-mails: depending on what it is 
are you a deep sleeper: I can be
are you a good story teller: no
what do you believe is your best quality: my eyes
what is your greatest accomplishment: having my son
do you like to burn candles or incense: lots and lots of incense. I love incense
do you do yoga: No
do you have your own credit card: no...just debit
let's say you win the lotto: give some of it to a charity for breast cancer, crohn's disease, and parkinson's disease, then buy a nice home and a more gas efficient car for my fiancee, then a home for my dad, then cloths, food, etc.
do you have a check book: no
do you like your driver's license picture: dont drive but my id...no
do you tan easily: no. I burn more than I tan
what color is your hair naturally: dishwater blond...I think...
do you dye it often: No
have you had any bad experiences with hair dye: no
worst feeling in the world: death, falling
best feeling in the world: Being Loved
is the glass half empty or half full: depending on what alcohic drink you are sipping on. lmao!
last thing you downloaded: software for my new printer
do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life: no
what do you think people think of you: mellow and easy-going
do you think you are a likeable person: Sometimes
do you take medication for chemical imbalance: no
what is the best way to be proposed to: at a rock concert....lol! Ok so I can dream right?
what kind of movie would you star in: wasn't this asked before?
if fed ex and ups were to merge, would they call it fed up: lmao! That's funny! I probably would!
what's your favorite phrase: son of a B----!!!!

posted on July 16, 2008 10:51 PM ()


whoa....too much for me.
comment by looserobes on July 17, 2008 12:25 PM ()

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