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Ancient's Times

Politics & Legal > Rightly Stated

Rightly Stated

“Beginning in the 1950s, conservatives forged a political philosophy and, over the next several decades, built an intellectual infrastructure to popularize their principles and apply them to policy problems. And they found political leaders who could implement those solutions. In short, conservatism advanced because conservatives refused to get in tune with the times. They possessed the moral vision and intellectual courage to compose a better tune. They offered leadership, and they accepted the responsibilities that go with it. But too many Republicans have spent the last several years demonstrating that they can’t be trusted to lead... If they want to regain power, Republicans would be wise to re-embrace conservative principles. Liberalism is a bankrupt philosophy that has been tried and found wanting in one major policy issue after another, from national defense to social welfare, from education to the national economic policy. That’s why candidates run away from liberal ideas when it’s time for a general election. Republicans must run toward conservative policies if they want the tides of history to sweep them back into power.” —Ed Feulner

posted on Sept 8, 2008 8:12 AM ()


How well I agree, republicans took numerical control, and then hid under the porch like an old dog. They out Liberaled the democrat - spending wise - and completly lost and/or ignored any semblance of fiscal responsibility. They knew how to be #2, but not #1 - They tried too hard to get along with all of the people (press and media) who would and do hate then no matter what, just because of political party affilliation.
Republicans who run as conservatives win, democrats who run as liberals lose. Works every time!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Sept 9, 2008 8:50 PM ()

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