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Ancient's Times

Politics & Legal > Newt's Running a Fever, Again

Newt's Running a Fever, Again

As for global warming, Nobel Peace Prize-winning prophet of doom Al Gore complained this week that the situation hasn’t improved since his 2006 crockumentary, “An Inconvenient Truth.” No improvement indeed. As Investor’s Business Daily notes, “This Earth Day finds the world threatened not by rising sea levels, but by rising food prices. Many on the planet are more likely to starve than drown, and we have only Gore’s disciples to blame.” But who cares about food prices and starvation caused by the fad of biofuels, as long as liberals feel like they’re helping?

Still, Gore moans, “If you give... [people] a list of 25 or 30 issues and ask them to rank them in order of seriousness, climate change comes at the bottom or near the bottom. I remember one poll where it came under dog litter.” That would be right about where it belongs. Of course, with politicians promising to “do something” about a non-issue, voters should be concerned. Then again, with record snowfall around the globe, a 0.7C-degree drop in temperature in 2007 and a noticeable drop in sunspot activity (possibly signaling years of cooling), maybe it is time to do something to stop that doggone warming.

Former conservative icon and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, for one, thinks it’s time to do something. He paired with current Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to do a commercial for the “We” campaign to “solve the climate crisis,” sponsored by The Alliance for Climate Protection, a group founded by Al Gore. One might diagnose Newt with a case of “Potomac Fever.”

posted on Apr 25, 2008 6:11 PM ()


"WE" can solve "whose truths?"
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 25, 2008 7:17 PM ()

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