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Ancient's Times

Politics & Legal > John Mccain's Campaign

John Mccain's Campaign

Since Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have to spend precious campaign time tearing each other down, the task of whittling away at the GOP presidential nominee has apparently fallen to their accomplices in the Leftmedia. The New York Times published a hefty story in its Sunday edition this week noting that Sen. John McCain frequently took advantage of his wife’s company jet for comparatively little cost from last August through February. It was during this period that McCain’s campaign was in dire financial straits, and it paid a total of $241,149 in first-class fees for almost exclusive use of the jet. Last year McCain backed a law that required candidates to pay charter rates for using private jets to avoid lobby influence. However, there was a loophole that exempted aircraft owned by a candidate or his family. In the end, McCain did not do anything illegal, but given his holier-than-thou stance on campaign finance reform, we should expect this type of story to pop up from time to time throughout the election season.

Incidently, the Senate unanimously passed S. Res. 511 this week stating that McCain, who was born in the Panama Canal Zone, is constitutionally eligible to become president of the United States. Thanks for clearing that up.

posted on May 2, 2008 5:30 PM ()

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