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Broken Bottle Musings

Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > Feedjit


This mybloggers owner isn’t greedy I know but I seem to be a minority in thinking that turning the words that we articulate into commercial ad space auspicious of some future corporate that we do not see a dime of. I am more than aware of the fact that I am provided a service in being given a place to put my blog but the fact of the matter is that I kind of see my blog as a little extension of my heart and soul.
I appreciate the fact that the rules and regulations and community standards that one must meet in order to blog here are very lax and those are big reasons why I chose to start blogging here in the first place but the fact of the matter is that I don’t like the fact that the adspace, which Is totally acceptable because people have got to eat has literally infiltrated that section of the page that has unto this point been the blogger’s and the blogger’s own.
There is a point where money making has got to be set aside and someone has to look at this with an open eye. I don’t like my work being made into a commercial for sex companies, dating services, or shadier pursuits. I find the fact that words that I invested time and energy in creating are linking to car companies, online stores, corporate sock puppets, and worse. So do I think that having my WORDS link to outside sites just so that mybloggers can pay it’s bills be an optional thing? Yes.
What I’m saying is I don’t mind the typical advertising, the adsense links on the blog, that doesn’t bother me and I don’t see it as a corruption of my work or the corruption of the work of other bloggers, however I do think that forcing those double underlined words to be highlighted within the context of art that I created myself or that other blgogers pour of themselves into that is something that one should be permitted to do and an intrusion if forced on an unwilling participant.
I am more than aware of the reality that my claim here will be ignored but that is the skinny of it.

posted on Mar 18, 2008 2:35 PM ()


And now they're gone!!! Like magic...
comment by sunlight on Apr 9, 2008 2:13 AM ()
Yes, I am experimenting...so far I am not impressed with the CPM the ad links are giving me. I will probably make my decision regarding the links by tomorrow.
comment by eddie on Mar 18, 2008 2:55 PM ()
Eddie is still experimenting with ways to keep MyBloggers.com in the black. Give him the benefit of the doubt, knowing he is providing us with a free platform. It is still much better than those stupid post-it note advertisements we had to contend with over at Blogster in 2006.
comment by jondude on Mar 18, 2008 2:42 PM ()

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