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Broken Bottle Musings

Arts & Culture > Poetry & Prose > Dying Alone

Dying Alone

The light is gone and the stars reveal
The sickness inside me is real
It grows and eats and tears and chews
Everyday we die, we’re born to lose
I’m better and faster and stronger than that
My body is screaming for light to see that
I don’t fall and drown on the pier down below
No matter how far we have come we don’t know
And nothing is sacred the world is a sham
I’ve been trying to hold on but this life is a dam
Holding the flood back from drowning you all
I don’t know if I care and that’s the worst part of all
Like a father who left or a mother who weeps
And the monsters that prey on the kids as they sleep
The future is bleak and the anguish is real
And I don’t think I have enough in me to feel
No heart in this place where the sun cannot reach
I need someone to help me get back on my feet
I’ve been out on the road so long I’m starting to see
The traces of the nomads who came before me
One drag off a smoke and a nip of a drink
As I vomit my feelings into a rest stop sink
No matter how long you can do or you say
I’ll still bury my sins the old fashioned way
No God up above and no devil below
They’ve up and left me to rot here on my own
I’m dying I think this pain grows here by day
And I still drag on solely for you come what may
Cancer in here… my insides they rot
My head fucking pounds and who I was I am not
Every footstep leads me father from you
But not from this demon that bites and it chews
No matter how long I see into the night
I wonder if my world will ever be bright
I’m tired of playing a game I can’t win
I don’t know where I end and my anguishes begin
I’m sick and I’m tired
Tired and sick
No matter how far I go
I’m dying alone.

posted on June 13, 2008 12:43 AM ()


Do you ever check your messages?
comment by justtesting on June 22, 2008 3:37 PM ()
When I was your age, I wrote poems like this too. Now I'm 65; somehow I got through it. You can too. It'll be better to die alone old than die alone young.
comment by looserobes on June 13, 2008 7:27 AM ()

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