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Hindsight Is 20/20

Life & Events > Relationships > Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

This Herman Cain saga gets more interesting by the day.  Let me just say this upfront.  I think he is guilty as charged.  And I am not speaking as a Liberal Democrat.  I am speaking as a woman who has been sexually harassed on the job....not once but several times.
It happened to me back in the days when a woman really had no recourse. If she complained, she....not the man...lost her job.  And that is exactly what happened to these women, except that they got big settlements from the American Restaurant Association to leave and sign confidentiality statements.
We know men will lie through their teeth to cover up their dirty little secrets. Bill Clinton did it; John Edwards did it.  Those two got caught in their lies; that may not be the case with Herman Cain.
Unless someone comes forth to corroborate these women's stories, it's a classic "he said', "she said" scenario.  Only in this case it is "he said, "she said" and "she said" and "she said" and "she said."
Cain is trying to smear this last woman by attacking her reputation.  I personally don't care what he digs up on her; if he did what she said, he is a scumbag.
And the fact that she did not immediately tell her boyfriend doesn't surprise me.  It is embarassing and humiliating to be sexually harassed. I didn't tell my husband either.  I just tried to dodge the men who were guilty if I possibly could.
My best friend at work was also being harassed by the same two men. She and I discussed it; but we kept it to ourselves.  
We were the two youngest teachers; neither of us had tenure at the time; and these men, one a coach and one a teacher, took advantage of that.
They might now claim to have no recollection of it, as Cain is doing; but I can tell you that after 40 years I still remember it vividly.

posted on Nov 8, 2011 6:10 PM ()


It was just part of a working woman's life in the fifties and sixties. You
tried to laugh it off and tell no one about it. I believe the women and
his meek little wife tells me a lot about his character. Phew! I smell
a rat.
comment by elderjane on Nov 9, 2011 4:20 AM ()
So do I. We who lived through it know how common it was and still is.
reply by timetraveler on Nov 9, 2011 8:23 PM ()

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