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Life & Events > Relationships > Making Today Count!

Making Today Count!

I must be getting old or something ! Seems like everyone is caught up in there on little world! I work in a retail outlet store for the last 18 years .I meet and greet people every single day with a friendly smile, even If I don t feel like smiling! No matter what hell I went through the night before at home or that morning ! But anyway some people will bring all the anger or what ever there going through into the store! There having a bad day or a bad life and they won't to bring you down to level! Some people have had such a bad childhood, bad marriage , etc, and still holding on to stuff that has happen 20 -30 years ago ! Anger and hatred is like a cancer ! The more you cannot forgive! the more there anger and hatred grows and grows , til no peace in there life at all ! They usually build up such a wall , that there's no reasoning with them at all ! Instead of forgiving and letting go they continue to shut out all the people that really care and love them! We all have had bad things happen to us , or been discriminated in one way or another! But we must get OVER IT and FORGIVE as Christ has forgive us ! Unforgiving will put in an early grave! We have s 24/7 365 a day world moving so fast that most people don't have time for nobody except there self's! At this store a friendly smile and a nice how is you day going! Will go along way ! You know how many single people go through the day that not one person will say hello" The old saying Smile and the world will Smile back you! So next time you see that old grumpy , mean person hit them with them pearly whites and see what happens! Make today count tomorrow is not promised to any of us "!

posted on July 30, 2013 11:22 AM ()


serving in a store you get to know the ones in a bad mood
comment by kevinshere on Aug 2, 2013 1:26 AM ()

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