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Life & Events > Life is Really Changed in America

Life is Really Changed in America

You just never know what life is going to throw your way! Here in America ups and downs ! But our downs is another part of the world good times. We Have become spoiled in America ! I have so many people walk around with that V.I. P SPIRIT! WE have our fancy phones, lap tops, ear pieces in our ears ! Big time cars we don't wash no more! We have people to do any and every thing for us in America! We buy $5 coffee , I mean Americans have got lazy and demanding! Especially people with degree,s and the worst attitude in the world ! People that have a little money t
Treat the average worker ant like there dogs! Next time you go in a fancy Coffe shop just sit back and watch! America has sold out ! Such a material world , and we try to give our kids all the things we didn't have ! But it ain't working you can't buy love ! We was poor growing up , but we was clean and ate good! Beans and potatoes cornbread was good if that's all you new ! We didn't have a :lot of material things , but we had LOVE! These parents today are working there azz ,s off to give there kids everything under the sun ! And try to substitute all them things for Love! But its not working ! This generation is out of controlled! No respect for there parents, family , teachers and people in authority! And the parents spend so much time making the ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR! NEVER home long enough to have any ideal what's going on with there kids ! Coming homewith take out and sitting in front of TV is not FAMILY TIME! WHAT happen to sit at table and pray ! Then let everybody talk about there day! Maybe a few cornball jokes ,!ife is so full of changes and surprise s! how America has changed so much ! I say let's get back to the Basics of Life , In my family it was the B&B in our house BELT & BIBLE IF ;;one didn't work the other one did ! Start telling our kids what to do and not them telling us how to do things ! Start being real again in America again ! And that Love Thou neighbor ! Hell half of us don't even know our neighbors, yep sad but true ! Maybe and just maybe some of the gray haired people will get an little Holy Boldness and put back some MORAL AND VALUES IN THESE YOUNG PEOPLE AGAIN ! AND KEEP ON PRAYING AMERICA FOR CHANGE To Make America Strong!!!

posted on July 26, 2013 6:37 PM ()


I also agree.
comment by fobstateside on July 29, 2013 9:13 AM ()
I agree 100%. America is going down fast.
comment by larryb on July 28, 2013 7:30 PM ()

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