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Thoughts From The Beach

Entertainment > Humor > Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

I just thought I would share some random things that come into my head and keep me up at night.

For instance, why do guys stand to pee? Do we have this need to feel dominant over the toilet? Sitting down is so much more comfy, not to mention it practically eliminates the chance of missing and hitting the floor and/or seat. And for those guys that live with women, it takes care of the 'putting the seat down' issue. So why not take a load off and sit?

One of the most irritating things I come across is the simple act of saying 'hi' to someone on the street and you get nothing back. Its not like my self-esteem or self-worth is wrapped up in the casual response of a perfect stranger...its just the polite thing to do. I hate it when I am out walking Brady in the morning and get ignored when I say 'good morning'. Is it that hard to get a nod back? I use to think that maybe it was a language barrier so I started to say 'hola'. Still got nothing..although I did get puzzled looks when I attempted to speak Spanish.

For all of you dog owner out there, do you ever wonder what your dog thinks of you when you walk him/her and you pick up the 'biscuits' after they do their business? Take Brady for example. I know he thinks I am the alpha dog...the leader of the pack...the one in charge (now if I could only convince Livvy of this, life would be great), but I really think he judges me when I pick up after him. I really think for those few minutes, he thinks of me as his 'biotch'.

'Gonna have more kids?'. Its a simple question and one I get quite often...not from family but rather random, previously unknown people. My response is usually 'I don't know. I want to see how this one turns out' and I motion toward Livvy who is usually doing something that makes me shake my head. I am thinking about changing my response to this 'No..I can't. My junk got torn off in a horrible industrial accident. Thanks for reminding me I will never hold my own newborn again!'. Not true, of course, but maybe it will deter them from asking very personal questions to a stranger. Family and friend asking this question is ok, but don't think just because my daughter and your child are playing on the same playground give us some sort of special bond that makes it ok to ask questions about my reproductive plans.

If we are all going the same direction (forward) and there are no accidents.....why is there traffic? Is there a collection of people ahead of in each lane..all driving right next to each other (every snow, rain or wind storm..oh an every single freaking time I'm late for work) going really slow just to piss everyone off?

Does anyone else find grown men in boy scout uniforms a little creepy? I understand that the Boy Scouts is a great organization and teach boys skills and what not to make them good young men, but........does anyone else find grown men in boy scout uniforms a little creepy? They can't get them a golf shirt and baseball cap to wear or something. I will have another kid and it will be a boy..and he will want to be a scout and I will be THAT freaking guy. Great.

Just some random thoughts from my end of the bench.
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posted on June 29, 2009 7:12 AM ()

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