Every so often, I will write a joke or an editorial that has me asking myself:
"Did I go too far..??"
This video I have for you today is definitely one of those times.
In the past, I have written editorials that condemn radical Islam and those Muslims who sit back and do nothing to stop it. Sometimes, I think to myself; "Terrorists are crazy bastards. They can find out who you are and where you live. Do I really want to talk about this stuff..??"
But this stuff is important to me. Free speech is valuable and we should use it. If you are talking, then you are not fighting. If you are not fighting, then there is time to talk.
I've written editorials that I have looked at when they were finished and I hit the delete button. There was no point to the story. It was filled with useless venting of anger.
So, this "Angry Republican Video Broadcast" almost died in the writing process.
"It's too dam controversial..!!"
There is NO safe way that a "White man" can poke fun at a "Black man."
(Especially a White, republican man.)
You just cannot do it.
Which caused me to ask- "Why..??"
Chris Rock can make fun of anyone. He could tell a joke at the expense of any nationality and never think twice about it.
You might say- "Well, that's because Chris Rock is funny- you are not funny, Babonie.."
That is fine. I will except that.
But there is a bigger question here…
Am I a member of the first generation to NOT have "White Guilt"..??
I do not feel guilty.
My family never owned slaves. I grew up in a mostly Black neighborhood. I got my ass kicked because of my skin color. (Black kids would listen to people like Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. They believed that the "White man" was holding them back, so they would come back to the neighborhood and kick my little White ass.) I never held a Black man from getting a job, or an apartment. My first employee, when I started a business, was my best friend- a Black man. And he made more money than I did because I didn't charge the customer enough money.
I have no "White Guilt." It isn't there. (I checked.)
So I had to ask myself this basic question…
If Rev. Wright were an Asian religious leader and he claimed that "White People" unleashed the AIDS Virus to kill the Asians, I would make fun of him. That is a stupid thing to say.
If Rev. Wright were an Italian Priest and he said that the White people controlled the country and the White people put drugs in the Italian community to kill off Italians- I would make fun of him to.
So the only reason I hesitated to do a joke about Rev. Wright is because he is a Black man.
We have a long way to go in this country. We are getting closer. But we are not there yet.
Without further delay…
Here is the video that I sweated and fretted about.
The Angry Republican Video Broadcast number 9
"Let's call up Rev. Wright"
If you do not know who Rev. Wright is, I have two videos (below my video) of the Rev. Wright in Church.
Below are two actual videos of Rev. Wright