The liberal plan is flawed from the beginning. It relies on Forced Higher Taxes. Forced Doctors. Forced size of cars we can drive. Forced wattage of light bulbs we can use. Forced amount of toilet paper we can have in our house. Forced temperature of our house...
Force- no matter how loosely you define it, is not freedom, nor is it utopia… AR Babonie

(note) This editorial was written with "Earth Friendly" electrons. No paper was used in the making of this editorial.
I’m trying to explain to a liberal how I view national health care. Being a conservative, liberals ask me- "how can you let 50 million Americans go without health care? How can you sleep at night knowing you will vote against a national health plan? What about those sick babies..??"
We all get this question.
All of us conservatives will be confronted like this.
You take the logical approach:
You explain that we cannot afford a national health plan right now. Medicaid and Medicare are in trouble NOW- today. Within 15 years, there will not be enough money going in- to pay for the medical treatment that people will need. 15 YEARS- (That’s all the time we have left)… This problem will effect everyone reading this editorial.
Social Security is also in trouble. Within the next 25 to 30 years, SS will not have the funds to pay its recipients.
We cannot start a new program (a National Health Plan) BEFORE we fix the old ones.
If we start a national health plan now, it will be run half-assed because the money isn’t there to run the program correctly.
This falls on deaf ears…
(Trust me folks, I have tried it many times.)
You will get the "blank stare", like a deer in a car’s headlight.
"But other countries have a national health plan, why are we so backward that we cannot afford one..??"
It is then, that you realize that you are talking to a child.
A child doesn’t want to know "How to pay for it." The child just wants it- and they want it now. That is all the child wants to know about the whole situation.
Daddy, can we get a second car because I will be 16 soon and all the other kids will have cars?
No son, we do not have enough money to pay for the first car. We cannot afford a second car right now. If you want a car, get a job and save up for a car. That is what I did.
But all the other families have second cars, why does this family SUCK..??
Folks, we are talking to children here…
They do not want to know the mechanics on "how." Nor do they want to personally work for it. They are happy if "other people" pay for it. They want it NOW, and they do not want to talk about the ramifications of this choice.
Let’s move to global warming:

Dad, the earth is warming up and humans are to blame. We should do something about this…
Where did you get this information? I have never heard of such a thing..??
Dad.. You really should study some science. It’s all over the place. America is the worst polluter of the planet. This family needs to save the earth.
(One month later…)
Son, I did some research and I’m not coming to the same conclusion about global warming. Some scientists believe climate change is natural. We need to talk about this..
Those scientists are bogus. They suck..!! They are oil company people.
OK.. If man causes the earth to warm up, why did the earth warm up 19,000 years ago..?? Man wasn’t burning fossil fuels then..??
This sucks..!! You suck..?? You don’t care about the earth. You are a "flat-earther" and you do not listen to science.
OK son, if you feel that strongly about it, then give up your car, your computer, and your cell phone and then you can save the planet..!!
You suck..!! This family is **ing screwed. I need those things. I need my car and my phone. You suck..!!
We are talking to children here, folks.
We conservatives, are trying to be logical and use facts. But we are getting nowhere because we are talking to children.
Let’s try one more…
The War on terror.
Dad, why do you agree with the War in Iraq? Those people in Iraq, that you call terrorists, could be freedom fighters trying to liberate their country from an occupier- The United States. The terrorists could be like George Washington.
Son, that is silly. George Washington didn’t target his own people. George Washington fought the British soldiers. He didn’t bomb market squares and kill innocent people.
Yea but, we made these people mad. They are using extreme measures because of our interference. We are to blame. We shouldn’t have invaded Iraq. It was unconstitutional.
Congress voted to give the president authority to remove Saddam. That made it constitutional. Saddam never followed his surrender agreement and he was shooting at American pilots. That IS an act of war. We had every reason to invade Iraq. Every reason.
But these Muslims are mad at us because we screw around in their countries. That is what caused all of this.
OK- What made Muslims mad when they attacked US ships off the coast of Tripoli in 1803? America had only been a country for 20 years. Most Arabs hadn’t heard of The United States and didn’t recognize our flag.
But.. But..
What made Muslims angry in 1603 when they tried to take over the earth? During the Ottoman Empire, when they were slaughtering anyone who got in their way, did America make them mad then? We weren’t a country back then, Junior.
I hate this family..!! You don’t care about my thoughts. You just want to prove that you are right. That is all you care about..!! I hate you..!!
We could go on with this demonstration and cover all of today’s political topics. But I believe the point is made.
Liberals do not want to get involved in the mechanics of a program or the details of history. They treat the taxpayers like a servant or a butler. Liberals proclaim: "Get me a health care plan. I need it now.."
However, in typical elitist, child- like fashion…
When a program gets in trouble, a program that democrats created, (Social Security) they do not blame themselves for an ill-conceived pyramid scheme. They blame the current servants (the tax payers)- " did you screw up social security? Fix it now, I command you.."
Liberals are like the children of the elite.
"Get me a health plan, get it now.."
"The earth is warming up, we should tax somebody. I want you to fix this. I need my car because I am important, but you folks should drive less.."
They are children.
And how can you be mad at children..??

A child will reach an age, (it could be 16, or 36, or 66) when they will not "willingly" accept knowledge from you anymore. They MUST learn it on their own.
I am almost, (but not completely) convinced that most children are born with liberal tendencies. They do not understand how things work. Most stuff is magical in their minds. Bad things must be a "conspiracy" because there is no way bad things could "just happen."

Most of us grow up and grow out of liberalism.
But some never do.
Liberals live in this child-like world where utopia is "just around the corner." Utopia is fine, wouldn’t we all love to be there. But the solution that liberals have on reaching utopia is by force. Not by choice.
The liberal plan is flawed from the beginning. It relies on Forced Higher taxes. Forced Doctors. Forced size of cars we can drive. Forced wattage of light bulbs we can use. Forced amount of toilet paper we can have in our house. Forced temperature of our house...
Force- no matter how loosely you define it, is not freedom, nor is it utopia.
The child demands- "Get me a health plan and get it now.."
The adult warns- "Let’s talk about this first. How will we pay for it? Will the system be better? How will the higher taxes effect people who are already over-taxed?"
If you cannot understand what I am talking about, you must head back into the world and experience more of it. And I ask you this question- "Who’s your daddy..??"
If you understand what I am saying here in this editorial, welcome to conservatism..!!
We have been waiting for you.
Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

How I became a conservative
I was surfing the "Internets" yesterday and found this video on a message board at Sean Hannity (dot) com.
This video is a MUST SEE for any conservative. I believe liberals should at least give it a view.
The video is done by Evan Sayet- he was a writter for 2 years for Bill Maher (Politically Incorrect- HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher).

Evan Sayet used to be a liberal, but has switched sides. He has lost a lot of work in Hollywood because once you admit to being a conservative in Hollywood, you are somewhat "blacklisted."
(Those dam "open-minded, free speech loving" liberals)
Listening to Evan’s transformation to conservatism is important in understanding the "liberal mind."
I’m paraphrasing here, but Evan says:
"..My Hollywood liberal friends use to say that they hated America. I always figured it was just something they would say. Like you hate your wife, or you hate your job. But when 9/11 happened and we were under attack, I told my liberal friends that we should do something. They said America probably deserved it, because we interfere in other countries…"
That is when Evan realized his Hollywood liberal friends REALLY DID HATE AMERICA.
I must warn you, this video is about an hour long. But I was compelled to watch the whole thing. Evan is "dead on" with much of his points on liberalism.
He should be…
After all, he was a liberal just 7 years ago. He was writing for Bill Maher..!! I have to go back to 1979 to remember what it was like to embrace liberalism.
Here is the video
Evan Sayet- discusses the liberal mind
Want more videos like this? Click here for more YouTube- Political
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