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The Angry Republic

Politics & Legal > Bigger Breasts- Anyone?

Bigger Breasts- Anyone?

File this under things I wish I would have thought of: (Maybe..??)

Many of us who write blogs probably wish there were a way we could get paid for doing this.

"Cash for Blogging."

Some people actually make it work.

Who would have thought…

(I never would have thought of it.)

That you could take guys who like to look at female breasts. And place them with women who want bigger breasts.

And somehow you could make money for doing this..??

I am not going to give this guy advertising. (However, if you really want to know more about it- the story is on Fox News dot Com.) This guy came up with the idea at a bachelor party to build a web site that showcases women who want bigger breasts, but they cannot afford the breast implant surgery. So they chat on line with guys who like to look at female breasts.

(Sometimes, ideas are right in front of your breasts.. err, I mean face.)

These guys, who are drawn to female breasts and want to talk to the girl who is attached to these breasts, pitch in a few bucks. After talking to thousands of guys, the women have the $5,000 needed for the surgery. (Then, of course, they come back to the site and show the guys what their couple of bucks bought.) NEW BREASTS.

To me, this site sounds kind of like- "Pimping."

But hey, who am I to judge. Looking at the TV line up, you have all kinds of people asking to be "made over" on TV. People getting their homes remodeled for free on TV.

I guess this is the natural evolution of a liberal society.

Innovation does make you think…

How about a web site for guys who want a bigger…

Aaahh, guys who would like a bigger..


Do you think girls would pitch in a couple of bucks to help a guy get a new car..??

Written by AR Babonie for The Angry Republican

posted on Mar 1, 2008 7:54 AM ()


comment by strider333 on Mar 1, 2008 11:21 AM ()

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