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Sports & Recreation > Football > Marcus Vick, 200th Pick.

Marcus Vick, 200th Pick.

What's wrong with this kid? Didn’t anyone ever tell him that all the talent in the world doesn’t make up for being a complete knucklehead? Did people also fail to mention that a contributing factor to older brother Michael’s #1 draft spot, and his $62 million rookie contract was the fact that he was more or less a good kid in college?

Sure, he had all the talent in the world. But what also impressed NFL scouts was the hard work he put in when he was in school. In his first year at Virginia Tech, Michael dedicated himself to commanding the Hokies’ offense. He spent most of his free time in the film room, studying game tape and memorizing the Hokies’ complex playbook.

The hard work paid off, as Michael was awarded the starting quarterback position the next year. That season, he took the Hokies all the way to the National Title game.

While Michael’s legacy has been one of hard work reaping positive benefits, Marcus’ is one of talent causing a sense of entitlement. If anyone ever told Marcus the story about the ant and the grasshopper, he sure didn’t pay attention.

I’m not saying that Marcus didn’t spend any time studying a playbook, but he did have some left over to booze it up with three 15 year old girls. Vick was eventually found innocent of statutory rape charges, but convicted on three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Besides, he may have been in a hurry to get back to the dorm and study five months later, when he was pulled over doing 86 miles per hour in a car that smelled of freshly smoked pot. He plead guilty to reckless driving and possession of marijuana.

(Surprisingly enough, the Hokies suspended Vick for his Sophomore season.)

Just five games removed from his 2004 suspension, Vick responded to opposing fans’ taunts of “rapist” and “child molester” by flashing them obscene gestures on national television.

And despite the fact that Marcus was on “double secret probation” at VT, he was allowed to play in the Gator Bowl even after being ticketed for speeding and driving with a suspended license in December.

What did he do with his 3rd second chance? He tried to break the leg of Louisville’s All-American DE Elvis Dumervil. This was quite possibly the dirtiest move in college football since Ohio State’s Robert Reynolds choked Wisconsin QB Jim Sorgi in 2003. Following a play in the 2nd quarter, Vick approached the fallen Dumervil and stomped on the side of his knee.

Vick claimed it was accidental. Sure, I usually grind my cleats repeatedly into someone’s cartilage when I “accidentally” step on them. He said Saturday: “I deeply regret that I let my competitive emotions to take control.” Way to put a nice spin on what a scumbag you are, Marc. He also claims to have apologized to Dumervil, a claim that Dumervil refutes.

The saddest thing about this story is how much talent Marcus Vick really has. He’s a superior pocket passer to his older brother Mike, and also has much better accuracy. Marcus may not run as well as Michael, but he hasn’t had to. His ability to read defenses and adjust accordingly kept him out of the trouble Michael often found himself in.

Simply put, Marcus is a better quarterback than Michael.

If Marcus could have had another productive year at VT, and somehow managed to keep his nose clean, he would have been a top 10 pick in 2007. If he had managed to close out ‘06 on a positive note, he could have been an early second round pick this year.

But alas, he failed to do even that. Not only was he a bad kid off the field, but he was downright rotten on it. I don’t know what NFL team would jeopardize their franchise by drafting a cancer like Marcus Vick.

Having said that, I’m sure some desperate squad will defy logic by taking a chance on him in the 4th round. Probably the same team that ends up with Terrell Owens. Or maybe the Oakland Raiders. Raider fans have always welcomed dirty players, and Randy Moss could give him a course on how to properly make obscene gestures on live television.

posted on Sept 29, 2007 1:08 PM ()

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