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Jobs & Careers > Moose, Rocco!

Moose, Rocco!

So I got a new job today.

Out of over 1200 applicants, 100 interviews, and 12 final candidates, I was one of four new "sales agents" for the Las Vegas office of the premier agencies in the country.

Doing sales for this company will be quite different than I'm used to. While I've done several forms of "inside sales" over the years, this one is "outside". For those of you outside the loop, Inside sales means that you can dress sort of casual, a polo shirt and a shave every other day is usually acceptible. However, you're often stuck in a cubicle next to someone that makes you want to blow your brains out everyday.

Outside sales means I'll be rolling in the Audi all day listening to O&A and jamming out to Damage Inc. when the live shows are done. Instead of bothering people on the phone, I'll be zipping around town, bothering people in person.

What's weird about this is, I'm probably going to have to wear a suit more often than not. Being the typical guy, I owned one suit. A nice all purpose black suit, perfect for weddings and funerals. When I was contacted about this opportunity last Friday, I had to find a tailor and get some more.

Happening to know the right people, I ended up getting three suits that should have been $1500 for around $700. I bought three different versions of the same Italian suit that feels like you're wearing the most comfortable pajamas in the world. The place I got them from was great, I got measured next to an 18-1/2" necked enforcer that looked like Butterbean's older brother.

So I picked up my new suits Monday morning and literally drove 100 mph to make it to the first interview on time. I attended the interview in a room full of people who all had fancy suits and unlike me, college degrees. After the group interview, the district sales manager talked all of us individually and she invited me back for a second interview on Thursday.

When I came back, I was directed to a different conference room that contained 11 other people with even fancier suits and fancier resumes than the previous group. None of the people from my first interview were in attendance, even though I was sure that at least two people were much more qualified than me.

The second interview was more of an orientation than an interview. A lot of people thought that they already had the job, but 66% of those 12 would be exited in 3 hours. (I know, this really seems like Salesman Idol.) Still unsure of the day's outcome, I thought this session a good time to ask poignant questions and just be "really smart" in general.

After the session was done, the DSM decided on the handful of people that she wanted. Instead of telling the whole group they were hired as some hoped, she called people in individually and either told them they had the job or "we'll let you know".

When I was called in, she told me that she noticed on my resume that I was from Cleveland. She asked if I was a Browns fan. I told her "absolutely". She said "Well, I'm a die-hard fan also." I asked if she were a Browns fan. She said "no" in a suspicious manner. I asked if she were a Steelers fan, and she said "no, even worse". "Ravens?" I asked. "No.. I'm a Broncos fan." she replied. I chuckled and told her that I bought my car from John Elway's Desert Audi. As much as I hate John Elway and the Broncos I won't let that f--k up a good job or a car deal.

She proceeded to tell me that she had decided to hire me in my initial interview, and I aced the second one anyway. She explained to me my new pay structure and highlighted the fact that one sale could earn me 200K+ in commission.

It's more likely that 200K will be my annual income as opposed to a one shot thing, but the potential is definitely there, and she outlined how after 10 years most good sales reps are millionaires.

Tomorrow I begin the training program, and I'll soon know how lucrative a career this is, but my biggest satisfaction is the fact that Asad scoffed at me when I told him I was worth 100 grand a year. You were there for that, Tony. Maybe I'll send him a copy of my W-2 next year.

posted on Feb 7, 2008 12:58 AM ()


So cool that you posted this! I am so proud of you, you will be a true success in Vegas!!! You've got the whole world ahead of you!! Sure would have loved to have seen you modeling the suits, tho!!!

Love and good luck! L.
comment by musings on Mar 8, 2007 11:17 PM ()

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