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Business > Knight Online - New Player Guide

Knight Online - New Player Guide

Installation and Character Creation
To begin your journey in Knight Online, you must first register an account and download the Knight Online client from the official website at Be sure to check for hardware and software minimum requirements. An Account Activation email will be sent to you after completing the Registration Form.

First, you will need to choose a world to begin your quest. A "world", such as "Ares", will contain multiple servers. All of these servers, such as Ares1 or Ares2, belong to the same world. (Please note that once you choose a world and begin playing, the character and all items related to that character will not be accessible from any of the other worlds.) You are granted 10 Bonus STAT points during Character Creation and you can distribute these points into various attributes of your choice.

STR- Strength - Determines the Strength of your character

DEX- Dexterity - Determines the Evasion of your character

HP- Hit Points - Determines the amount of life your character has

INT- Intelligence - Determines the size of your character's Mana (Magic) pool

MP- Mana Points - Determines your magic power against monsters

After adding Bonus STAT points, you can then enter your Character Name and select "Create Character" to begin your Knight Online journey. As you level, you will gain additional STAT points to distribute.



Power Up Store and Premiums

Knight Online is free2play, but we do offer paid Premium Memberships to receive additional benefits as well as virtual in-game items for character enhancements. To access the Power Up Store or for additional information, click the " " icon located in the lower left side of your screen. You will be able to see all the services that we offer through the Power Up Store and read the descriptions of what they do to enhance game play.






Beginner's Helper

After you create your new character, you will automatically appear in the neutral town of Moradon where your journey to become a Knight begins! There is much to learn about being a Knight, so it is best to familiarize yourself with Moradon until you reach level 35-45. Here you can start numerous Quests, train your skills, and access the largest merchant shops available.

While exploring your new surroundings, you will find numerous and very useful NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) with a wide range of purposes. Select any NPC by left-clicking them once, and then right-click them to speak with them.

Before you can begin training, you must first supply your character with necessary equipment. You can manage your character's armor, weapons and other various items through the Inventory (short-cut key "I"). Additional space is also available at your Inn Hostess, who is located in most villages. While your Inventory is the collection of items that you carry, your Inn Hostesses are a bank for storing items; so in order to retrieve an item again from the Inn Hostess you will need to return to town to speak with her.



Leveling and Partying


Each level will require an increased amount of experience points. You can find how much experience is necessary for the next level by opening the Character information window (short-cut key "U").


Fighting stronger and larger groups of monsters is very difficult and sometimes only possible by hunting in a party. To party with other players, select the player(s) you wish to invite and click Invite, found at the bottom of your screen. The symbol " " appears next to the party leader's name and only he/she can invite additional party members. There can be a maximum of 8 members in a party.



Character Development


To see what kind of Basic Skills you have, open the Skill tab on the bottom of the screen. Here, you can see what skills you already have (icons that are not grayed out) and what skills await you in the future (icons that are grayed out). You can also read the description of each skill by moving your mouse over the icon. If there are skills that are not grayed out and also have MP consumption, this means you can drag the skill to your Skill Bar located on the left side of your screen. For instance, if you have "sprint" available as a Basic Skill, and you drag it to number 1 on your Skill Bar, that means you can just press "1" and your character will use that skill. You may also drag potions to the Skill Bar to shortcut to them.

After level 10 you will be able to start training for your specific role as a Knight by speaking with [Grand Merchant] Kaishan in Moradon. Choosing your specialty will allow you to access your class specific skills (short-cut key "K"). (Note: Some skills have requirements for use).



Stats points are used to determine which armors, weapons and items you can equip and use. Each character class should invest points into their specific stats, which are highlighted in light blue. For example, a Warrior will use mostly Strength (STR), whereas Dexterity (DEX) is specific to Rogues.


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posted on June 19, 2009 12:17 AM ()

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