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Life & Events > My Open Email Sent to Friends on Pre-super Tuesday

My Open Email Sent to Friends on Pre-super Tuesday


OK, I don’t normally take advantage of email to stump for a candidate, but I decided not to volunteer for any phone work, which I find way too intrusive. I’m voting for Obama and if you’re on the fence, here’s my opinion:

Obama and Clinton aren’t all that different in their politics; so let’s take that off the table. But there is only one argument in this primary: elect-ability. If you aren’t voting Democratic, then please excuse this email...but don’t let it stop you from reading on and opening your horizons.

Having traveled almost around the world in the last 12 months I have seen how America is (very negatively) viewed beyond our borders. I believe this election is about changing that – about understanding how we are at a crisis point, a tipping point, a breaking point in our position on Earth. A vast, strong change signaled by the electorate will go a huge way to garner a few new (and old) friends and perhaps stave off the onslaught of recession, depression and a general loss we currently face beyond our borders. If our world position is of little importance to you*, then please cast your vote...into the ocean.

The big difference between Obama and Clinton is that Obama does not polarize the forces opposed to change the way Clinton does. So many dislike Clinton that they could easily flop to the Republican side..especially if McCain takes the nomination. People – quite obviously – want change in America. Obama spells change in a big way. Clinton does not. There have been uninterrupted Bushes or Clintons on the ballot since 1979. This more-of-the-same does not help the Democrats take control. Even McCain spells minutely as that may be...and this will hurt the US if Obama does not get the nomination.

There is no question that Obama or Clinton will make good leaders...but we are not facing that. The notion of experience is a waste of time. Who’s been “experienced” in the past 30+ years? Gov. Carter? Gov. Reagan? VP Bush? Gov. Clinton? Gov Bush? That is not the real issue.

Who’s experienced with our fading world status? Our economic downturns? Our ever increasing fuel prices? No one. I have little doubt that a Republican Administration will continue their vague, open-ended policies of pollution, blood and oil. The risks are great, and Democrats only increase the odds of defeat with another Clinton on the ballot.

There is a lot of crap about Obama being a Muslim (he’s not), swearing on the Koran (he didn’t), blah-blah-blah. This is still America. Even if those things were true, does that make him any less of an American? Religion is not an issue in this election. Race is not an issue in this election. Gender is not an issue in this election. America is the issue in this election. Our collective asses are in danger of being handed to us...soon. Not by Al Qaeda...not by “terrorists”...but by our lack of vision.

We’re all going to vote Democrat in the big election. Why not put in a candidate with the ability to win? Please vote Obama.

posted on Feb 7, 2008 6:00 PM ()


I'd move to Canada, but we all know who lives there too....
comment by hawkwoman on Feb 7, 2008 6:37 PM ()
There's still a small part of me that wants Hilary to win, just to see a woman as president.
comment by sexysadie on Feb 7, 2008 6:17 PM ()

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