Dr. Paul Haider


Dr. Paul Haider
San Juan,
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The Relaxed Soul

Religion > What is Joy to You?

What is Joy to You?

Please join in and let me know what you feel joy is for you.

What makes you happy?--What makes you feel so alive that you can't wait to get out of bed. So alive that you want to dance the night away?

Take photographs is one thing that makes me so happy and alive that I want to run and tell everyone about what I just shot.

Also gardening makes me feel free and alive and comforted.

What about you?

Dr. Paul Haider

posted on June 13, 2008 12:57 PM ()


I have been on the other post, but wanted to add that you would love some of the trees and such I see on my daily walks. The tree you see in my profile picture is one of my favorite trees. It is actually two trees. A tall palm with another tree that hugs it. The hugging tree does not have a break in the branch...it opens enough for the palm to go through but is complete with no breaks. It speaks to me of the brilliant harmony of nature. I would love to upload more pictures of it so you can see it. The only way to do that is in a post...maybe I will do that on my cashew blog. They are not quality photos like yours, just my personal view.
comment by pecan on June 13, 2008 4:42 PM ()

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